Lawyers at Applebys' Guernsey office have been criticised for dressing inappropriately at a social event.

A party was recently thrown which gave "poor white trash" as the dress code. The firm denied hosting the party (as one source had claimed) but didn't deny that its staff cheerfully adhered to the dress code. As the source said, "not to forget they're poshos living in a tax haven".

  Ha ha I went to Winchester and make 500k

Still, the revelation is unlikely to embarrass a firm that sells itself on its ability to help clients shirk their taxes maximise their wealth, and that sees nothing wrong in forbidding its staff from discussing the weather...

A spokeswoman said "we don't have any comment to make except to say that this was not an Appleby event".
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 31 January 14 09:21

This is in very bad taste, lawyers laughing at poor people, we have enough bad press already surely...

Anonymous 31 January 14 16:46

This is disgraceful. Perhaps these lawyers should be focusing more on gaining respect for the profession and less on partying like dumb teenagers.