‘Dine and dash’ lawyer Kerry Ann Stevens struck off

It's quite sad really. Clearly her life is a bit of a mess. There is likely to be some underlying issue. 

That said, it is nuts the police won't take action on this stuff. It's the sort of low level anti social, dishonest crap that makes life difficult for everyone. 

It can be sad that someone has become a crook Risky. The two are not incompatible. 

Sending her to prison would be pretty harsh (and likely pointless) but the police should intervene. If she wasn't a solicitor this could have gone on basically forever without any consequence which is clearly not acceptable. 

tbh tho, have you ever met a restaurateur? They’re hard working small businesspeople ie the considerable majority of them are nailed-on khunts.

Quite ridiculous for Donny to go all tea and sympathy for the boitch. 

Maybe the standards of honesty and probity in the sandpit are not what they should be.

She is clearly utterly dishonest and deserved to be sent inside.