In praise of Zionism
Hotblack Desiato 26 Apr 24 10:43
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Zionism, i.e. the belief in a Jewish homeland, is supported by 95% of Jews. The sad facts are that Jews have been relentless persecuted for millenia by Christians and Muslims alike (although recently, it has to be said, almost exclusively by Muslims, in terms of the killing and forcible evictions). Jews have been living in the area of the modern state of Israel for thousands of years. National self-determination is widely regarded as a right, and Jews are merely exercising that right.

While the 1947 conflict which resulted in the creation of modern Israel involved the displacement of Muslims from their homes, it also involved the displacement of Jews from their homes, and was part of a huge pattern of displacement that occurred in the years after WW2 in which hundreds of millions of people were relocated in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, often forcibly or violently, and with millions of casualties.

Whereas most nations and cultures have moved on from the boundary and population changes of 1947 (to say nothing of the deaths) the Muslim and Arab world largely has not, and many in that world continue to refer to the creation of the state of Israel as "the catastrophe" - without wishing to get into all of the reasons for this, one factor in the continued conflict over the mere existence of the state of Israel is the legacy of 43 years of anti-Zionist Soviet Propaganda:

  • Israel, as a US backed country, surrounded by many Arab countries flirting, at that time, with secular socialism (e.g. the Baath movement) was seen as an obstacle to the spread of international communism and Soviet interests.


  • It was therefore vitally important for the Soviet Union to denigrate Zionism and the State of Israel, and to promote and support the cause of the "Palestinians" as the Arab population in parts of the former British Protectorate came to be known after the creation of the state of Israel, and to generate proxy wars to which America would have to respond.


  • This support did not just consist of a relentless drip drip drip of propaganda, gleefully seized upon by useful idiots and closet anti-semites in the West (including in academia which was full of Marxists and overt Soviet Union apologists in the 60s, 70s, and 80s), but also money weaponry, and training for terrorists.


  •  Given the Soviet Union's brutal suppression of religious minorities and overt racism towards ethnic minorities, this support to Palestine was not motivated by compassion or concern for the welfare and self-determination of the Palestinian people - in fact the exact opposite - the Soviet Union was quite happy for 10,000s of Arabs to die in wars against Israel, as long as Soviet influence and power was enhanced, and American power and influence undermined.


  • And the manipulation of Middle Eastern politics, and Western public opinion about Middle Eastern politics, did not stop with the end of the Cold War - the 7 October attacks on Israel by Hamas were endorsed and supported by Russia precisely to create divisions and distractions in the West and undermine support for Ukraine.


  • And boy, did it work - huge crowds of people out on the streets protesting about x number of civilian casualties whereas 10x civilian casualties in Syria went essentially un-noticed and unprotested.




To clarify, the statement:

"Whereas most nations and cultures have moved on from the boundary and population changes of 1947 (to say nothing of the deaths)" is a reference to all such boundary and population changes worldwide circa 1947, not just those in the Middle East. For those who don't know their history well, that would include, most notably the millions who were displaced across Soviet controlled Easter Europe and the 10,000s of millions displaced during the Partition of India.

Why don't you just share a link to the original material instead of copying and pasting someone else's thoughts here?

They are my thoughts. I know you might find it difficult to imagine that other people could formulate their own thoughts and then express them at length, but it is possible!

Jews have been living in the area of the modern state of Israel for thousands of years. National self-determination is widely regarded as a right, and Jews are merely exercising that right.




"the displacement of Arabs"

Hitler should have hired you for  PR. Ask Bibi, her might have a spot for you since Levy was fired. 

Let's be clear. Zionism is a racist ideology. Lethally racist. 

Zionism is a belief ina Jewish homeland IN PALESTINE.

The Zionists knew what they were doing was wrong because it was conceived on an egregious lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land"

Liar liar pants on 🔥

This seems as good a place as any to note that, in very, very excellent news, in the Democratic primary in Pensylvannia, Summer Lee has just properly crushed her opponent, who was "recruited by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to run against Lee" (and - to make her defeat even more lovely - was backed by a PAC funded by Republican money).

In short, I think this is the failure of the first concerted efforts since the current war by pro-Israel / Zionist lobbyists to unseat progressives who have refused to do as they are told, and to shut up with their whining about Israel's policies and actions.  It looks like Lee's position was always pretty solid, so I don't suppose it'll stop AIPAC from following through with their plans to field candidates against other progressives (I think Tlaib, Bowman, Bush, and Omar are in their sights), but hopefully, it's a sign that the progessives will not be silenced in their criticism of Israel, and AIPAC money will not be enough to push them out.

Read recent article We need an exodus from Zionism | Naomi Klein, a Jewish writer for the Guardian. Thought the likes of Hotblack, Wilf (and Oracle too although he’s not half as mad) etc might like to consider a more sane viewpoint, and the possibility that they’ve been lied to, manipulated and ultimately betrayed by this false idol that is Zionism. 

Zionism is a belief ina Jewish homeland IN PALESTINE.

The Zionists knew what they were doing was wrong because it was conceived on an egregious lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land"

Liar liar pants on 🔥

I mean, God forbid that people should have a homeland, in their actual homeland. The very idea. Should have sent them to Madagascar instead....

I'm just going to say here, I absolutely love seeing HBD getting owned on these threads. But I do feel a bit bad because it's like bullying the special needs kid at school. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Let's be clear. Zionism is a racist ideology. Lethally racist. 

Why is it racist for the Jews to exist as an independent sovereign nation, but not racist for, say, the Estonians to exist as an independent nation?



"I mean, God forbid that people should have a homeland, in their actual homeland. The very idea. Should have sent them to Madagascar instead...."

In what sense was it Jews "homeland"? You don't get to move out of a house for 2000 years and maintain exclusive possession of it.

Why is it racist for the Jews to exist as an independent sovereign nation, but not racist for, say, the Estonians to exist as an independent nation?

Did your handler get the day off today?


In what sense was it Jews "homeland"? You don't get to move out of a house for 2000 years and maintain exclusive possession of it.



Jews have been living in the area of the modern state of Israel for thousands of years.

So have Christians, Muslims, and others. We don't want them to found a 'homeland' and discriminate against people with a different religious and/or cultural background.

Zionism as a concept is generally fine.  As always, its the extremists within the Zionist movement, and their affiliation with the far right and religious extremists, that are the problem