Laura Keunssberg

Is becoming more and more pro government biased with every passing day.  This morning she basically reported as fact the Tory line that a recalcitrant parliament wad prevented Johnson "just getting Brexit done" and he was therefore forced to call this election.   She realised as an afterthought she had gone too far and said something about the Brexit deal not being the "land of milk and honey" but really somebody needs to reign her in - for the major BBC reporter of the election to be so nakedly biased is terrifying.

It not bare faced facts it is the Johnson narrative.   Parliament approved the deal in principle, Johnson called the election because he couldn't get the deal by 1 November - purely a political consideration.

You may not agree with that sure, but it is an equally valid interpretation and if the BBC had reported it like that I am sure Johnson would be crying foul.

??? that my be your view -  that is not the point.  There are different interpretations of what happened and the BBC cannot just choose one and present it as fact.

Parliament approved the deal in principle

Guy, that is pure BS.  Half the people who voted for it were explicit that they were only doing so in order that they could attach wrecking amendments to it.

It is a purely factual statement that Boris was unable to get his Brexit deal put through Parliament.  It is a shit deal and the numbers were, rightly, against him.

Its his narrative that this was somehow a bad thing and that the country should let his shove his shit sandwich down its throat, but Parliament was clearly blocking his deal.

Abbeywell, whether you think I am wrong is not the point and the fact that you, not, if I may make so bold, an avid follower of political events, are so certain shows how effective the BBC taking  particular line is.

Sky don't do a morning radio news programme.

"Guy, that is pure BS.  Half the people who voted for it were explicit that they were only doing so in order that they could attach wrecking amendments to it."

Ironic that you accuse me of pure BS and then follow it up with a statement of pure BS.

The Tories want fear of a hung parliament FFS, their biggest fear is a runaway lead in the polls leading to people not bothering to vote.  I don't suggest that Laura K is saying that for their benefit, but it is certainly not an argument against bias.

The narrative is Parliament is obstructing the WILL OF THE PEOPLE because they didn't like the result and the BBC sells this for all it is worth.   Far more effective propaganda than the obvious bullshit from the right wing nationalist press

oh yes ofc, didn't read it in context, as you were ;) ;)

The Beeb reporting in general is just so awful I can't watch it any more. They make so many assumptions all the time that are completely unfounded - my pet hate being "Most people believe" or "Most people think"... with f all stats to back up their "facts".

The BBC couldn't be much more left wing biased if it tried.  To say they are pro Tory is laughable.  

Every audience event they have is filled to the rafters with unhinged lefty types. 

They love the left and they love Palestine.  

This smacks of desperation Guy.

I have occasionally wondered about her mouth.

You know with one side of it dropping down and all.  Do you suppose that in certain circumstances there is leakage?

The BBC couldn't be much more left wing biased if it tried.  To say they are pro Tory is laughable.

So the BBC overall is probably pretty lefty - Attenborough & Fleabag - but their news & current affairs is 100% Tory (or, more accurately, anti-Corbyn) and they don’t even try to hide it. 

As a thought experiment just take anything Boris, Rees-Mogg, Francois has said in the last six months being said by a Labour Party member and imagine how it would be reported by the BBC. 

Current affairs is mostly unbiased (and even Andrew Neil leaves his many, many prejudices at the door).  The news is another matter - it seems to have decided "let's get Brexit done" before even the tories came up with it and there was a massive swing in editorial policy immediately following the referendum.  A shame really because it had a stellar reputation until that point.  

Disagree it’s since the referendum Jelly - I think there’s been a noticeable swing since Boris became PM. May would never have gotten away with a tenth of what he’s gotten a free pass on. The previous comments about gays/Muslims especially. 

Think there is a difference between bias and competence. Not sure the journalists are biased as such just not as good as they were. Andrew Marr is a case in point. He was very fired up on Sunday given the implication he is a third rate Andrew Neil but just got into a slagging match with BJ. Marr is just not a very good interviewer. So someone like Boris can the take the Michael. Robinson is often poorly briefed and prepared. They let things go they shouldn’t. BJ can just lie now.

is LK biased. Not deliberately. She obviously has a personal connection with Boris. Suspect he can be charming at a person level and is interesting to a journalist. Corbyn and LK seem to have no personal connection at all. Some times that comes out in LKs reporting and she corrects herself.

And yet surprise surprise, newsnight field a vox pops panel of former labour voters who all intend to vote Boris to “get brexit done”.  FFS they may just as well have skipped the first 15 minutes of the programme and played a tory party election broadcast - oh actually that is what they did.

Against popular opinion I don’t think that she would have let him shag her.  It’s not an attraction thing, god if it were I’d be fooking doomed, just a connection thing.  I do not see them as having ever made that connection.

And yes strutter, agreed and will report back if I ever find out.

from a quick glance at responses, u appear to be annoying the right ppl m7

keep up the good work and don’t let the anti-free speech rofascists shout u down guy

Guy is correct. The BBC has no consistent left wing bias whatsoever. The tories’ political bullying has worked and now it more or less doffs its cap to the government. It probably does have an entrenched socially liberal bias, but then so does anyone with a heart or a brain.

Sorrydidyousaysomething05 Dec 19 14:39

It's time for Brexit to be abandoned, it's taking too long.

I have sympathy with this view, but it is naive. There is a tide in the affairs of men which can be seized. Switches, such as falls of empires, can occur overnight.  But they are rare.  Much more common for patience and persistence to be required. 


P.S. Before Ray pops up with another ad hominem attack, I’ll just restate my view that Ireland leaving the EU won’t happen until five years after the UK has left

In her defence, I can exclusively reveal that Ms Keunssberg and I came face to face (as it were) on the platform at Holborn tube yesterday. It is possible...Who am I kidding, almost certain, that so dazzled was she that this may have occupied her every thought for the rest of the day with unknown consequences for her ability to perform even the most basis tasks with any degree of professionalism. If past experience is anything to go by, things will settle down for her over the next few days, but slowly. 

"from a quick glance at responses, u appear to be annoying the right ppl m7

keep up the good work and don’t let the anti-free speech rofascists shout u down guy"

Heh, thanks Oracle - don't worry, I get a small buzz from the shouting down attempts.

In a weird continuation of the trend towards him becoming me, or maybe vice versa, thanks be to strutter for the weirdly beguiling image of LK drooling my man chowder

Jo Swinson said in her recent Andrew Neil interview that they had successfully blocked Brexit in Parliament and referred to the 17 attempts of the remain alliance at get a second referendum thwarted by Corbyn and Labour whipping.  So it is accurate that there was a deadlock in Parliament which was preventing 'getting Brexit done' - also stopping Brexit or coming up with an acceptable leave position.  Ergo an election to hopefully remedy the deadlock... 

I cannot understand why Labour did not come out hard in favour of a second referendum as soon as May had her deal on the table. 

She’d probably have agreed to it and we’d have done this aeons ago

Another day - Johnson did not need the Lib Dem’s to vote for the deal indeed  they didn’t vote for it in the meaningful vote but it still passed.  

Another day - Johnson did not need the Lib Dem’s to vote for the deal indeed  they didn’t vote for it in the meaningful vote but it still passed.  

I'm with Guy and A perfectly normal HB - May/ Swinson et all would NEVER have got away with the single mothers etc comments. That it was when he was a journo isn't an excuse but the media seem to have given him a complete pass on it. Except for the Guardian who were scathing.

In the past, an MP smoking a dodgy cig 20s years previously at uni has had more coverage than his bigoted views!! Bias much??

Does what he wrote actually reflect his personal views or was it writing what the readers wanted to hear?  Unfortunately none of us will ever know the answer to that.

The political reporting of the BBC is blatantly pro-Tory. It is practically the broadcast wing of Der Volkischer Beobachter

None of the people in this thread have observed that it was the Supreme Court that delayed the promulgation of Brexit because the Government was acting unlawfully in exercising prerogative powers it did not possess or those that had been granted by Parliament.

As you are all City types,perhaps constitutional law has passed you by.

Miller (2) follows the Case of Proclamations (1611), Entick v Carrington (1765), A-G v De Keyser's Royal Hotel [1920], CCSU v Minister for the Civil Service (the GCHQ case) [1993], R v SSHD (ex parte FBU) [1994]; Miller v Secretary of State for Exiting the EU [2017], Miller, Cherry and others v The Prime Minister [2019].

Ergo, Mr Crouchback, you are awarded the Sword of Dishonour, as your comments are entirely fallacious. Stop being a spokesperson for those idiot Tory Brexiters and quoting their lurid propaganda.

Stop Brexit. Stop Johnson. Drum him out.