Rosenblatt has presented one of its paralegals with a massive bill after he broke a photocopier.

On this occasion, there's no suggestion that drunken arse-photocopying was to blame: a spokeswoman for the firm said that the paralegal had smashed the control panel "in a fit of temper". Well, there's a bit of Ned Ludd in everyone*. Apparently the paralegal immediately admitted his offence and apologised. However the firm's insurers wouldn't pay for what they said was criminal damage, and so the partners insisted that the unfortunate paralegal be charged £3,700 for the repairs. Rather than reaching into their own, rather more capacious, pockets.

    How it didn't look

A spokeswoman for Rosenblatt, previously best known for its poor bathroom etiquette, said that the paralegal had since left the firm, and that as he had criminally damaged the machine it was reasonable to have charged him.

*Especially Mrs Ludd. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 17 May 13 12:06

So if he'd stayed the partners would have picked up the tab? That's interesting logic...

What's wrong with saying "We have a zero tolerance policy on any form of violence in the office, we have asked him to make appropriate restitution". Will this expose them to a claim of double standards re partner's violent outbursts?

Anonymous 17 May 13 13:48

And so they bloody well should.

It is not the responsibility of partners to bail out halfwits who struggle to control their tempers in the workplace. You cannot go around smashing things, punching secretaries and hurling poo everwhere just because a printer has failed to hole-punch your engrossments.

Anonymous 17 May 13 15:55

@Anonymous 12:48

Is there more to this story than ROF has reported? There's no mention of punching secretaries or hurling poo everywhere.

Anonymous 17 May 13 18:17

I assume they sacked him. You can't go around smashing up the office just because you're in a bad mood. Would it be any different if he had kicked in the front door or thrown a chair through a window? No. He should pay for the damage he caused. He is lucky not to be charged with criminal damage, judging by this report.

Anonymous 18 May 13 08:37

Question re. logic of Roffer raters - e.g. first comment is sympathetic to the guy who broke the copier, but they get (-48) for a rating (as of 18th May), but then the Roffer at 17/05/2013 12:12 gets (+64) for their rating, saying basically the same thing, i.e. they are sympathetic to the guy, but with the addition of a defecating monkey.

I'm sure there is a PhD lurking in here somewhere about how Roffers rate things differently even when they are saying the same thing. I guess politicians must feel the same way.

(PS, I am neither of the commentators above, just a wannabe psychologist)

Anonymous 20 May 13 11:15

People who who have such difficulty controlling their tempers that they smash stuff in offices don't deserve much sympathy.

That said, if it was the BillBack terminal he smashed as a result of having to spend 4 minutes entering billing details (for the 6th time that day) so that the firm could bill 20p for a copy, I can kind of understand his frustration...

Anonymous 30 May 13 16:50

Heard that the firm still have trouble with people leaving brown "racing stripes" all over their bogs...nice place, by the sound of it