A disenchanted barrister has put her wig and gown on ebay with a description revealing the abject misery of her life at the Bar.

The seller, who calls herself 'Toriuk' on the auction site, listed her Ede & Ravenscroft wig and gown between an afro wig and a £10.99 fancy dress barrister outfit (which, bargain, doubles as a judge costume).

In her description the former brief elaborates on the wig's condition:

Toriuk, in case anyone still wants to purchase the horsehair equivalent of a cursed burial ground, also provides answers to frequently asked questions:

It wasn't enough to put off the punters. The ex-barrister's dead-dream scalp and sadness cape, in spite of her best efforts, attracted 25 bids and went for £370 (plus £7 p&p).

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 02 August 13 15:00

Takes a brave person to throw in the towel (gown) after investing so much into it, best of luck to them. This should be put on every BVC brochure for balance!

Anonymous 07 August 13 15:58

Or because other sites have said it was a woman?


If someone had made that comment about a man being more eloquent, there would have been uproar. I can't stand sexism in any form, which includes against men.

Anonymous 07 August 13 17:05

The clue was in the first line of the story, "A disenchanted barrister has put her wig and gown..."

Anonymous 04 September 14 20:16

perhaps a career in comedy writing ? you'll have them, inter alia , in stitches ..Good Luck !!!!