One of the top lawyers in the City has been exposed as having lied about his entire education and his Bar qualifications.

On Monday Dennis O'Riordan was suspended for three years by the Bar Tribunals and Disciplinary Service for lying on his CV and on his former chambers' websites and professional profiles. He had claimed that he had been to school at Radley, taken an undergraduate degree and then a doctorate at Balliol Oxford, had been an Eldon Scholar and had also gone to Harvard. He also said that he was a member of the New York Bar and the Irish Bar. All jolly impressive but, unfortunately, all lies.

O'Riordan has enjoyed a high-powered career. Until yesterday, when he was shown the door, he was a special consultant at Paul Hastings' London office and from 2009 until last year he was a partner at the firm. Before that he was a partner at Cadwalader, Group Counsel for Nomura, General Counsel for Sumitomo Finance and Head of Legal and Tax at the London branch of the Republic National Bank of New York. Almost unbelievably, not one of them smelt a rat. It seems he was only rumbled when he applied for a new job with an unidentified chambers.

    A photo from O'Riordan's desk yesterday

Paul Hastings had no idea O'Riordan (known as D. Thomas O'Riordan at the firm) was a brass-balled fantasist until it was contacted by RollOnFriday this week. Overnight his profile was removed from its website and within 24 hours he was out of the firm. Which is not entirely surprising: the revelation that O'Riordan lied about his NY and Irish Bar admissions will have Paul Hastings and previous employers scrambling to work out how much of his advice was given in his fictional capacities and whether they have any liability.

A spokesman for Paul Hastings told RollOnFriday, "We learned yesterday that a consultant to the London office, Tom O’Riordan, has, in the past, exaggerated his academic qualifications. Mr O' Riordan left the firm yesterday with immediate effect."
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 04 October 13 09:06

But, doesn't this actually show he was very good at his job and that qualifications in general are clearly over-rated if you can do the work he did for so many years? He shouldn't have lied, obvs, but the more interesting point is whether a CV really matters to clients? Don't clients just want good work from their lawyers?

Anonymous 04 October 13 10:23

A cv is a statement. If it is fraudulent in parts, he should be prosecuted accordingly and of course disbarred in any event.

Anonymous 04 October 13 11:36

I love the Paul Hastings attempt at damage limitation: "A spokesman for Paul Hastings told RollOnFriday, "We learned yesterday that a consultant to the London office, Tom O’Riordan, has, in the past, exaggerated his academic qualifications. Mr O' Riordan left the firm yesterday with immediate effect." He did not exaggerate (!) he created it ALL out of thing air. I bet you Paul Hastings will be checking all those legal opinions he signed with his apparent New York bar dual qualification. If I was a client, I'd be very very very unhappy indeed - especially on any case I did not win which he was advising on! There will be litigation over this at Paul Hastings - just wait...

Anonymous 04 October 13 12:56

What goes around comes around. Though its staggering it took so long for this to come out. It's clearly absolutely disgraceful for any client to have paid the fees he would have charged to instruct someone with apparently outstanding credentials of this profile (and pay the associated hike) only to discover its all lies. I'd be asking for my money back if he lost my hedge fund's case that's for sure!

Jamie Hamilton 04 October 13 13:32

anonymous user
04/10/2013 11:21
Report as offensive
Does ROF have his real C.V. ?

He did his LLB at the UEA. Pretty sure he did, anyway.

Anonymous 04 October 13 13:45

bet he was on the first easyjet flight out of the country from to the Costa-del-crime! never to be seen again...

Anonymous 04 October 13 15:16

I think he took the BVC in the UK though...that's probably why he hasd only been suspended.

Anonymous 04 October 13 15:16

I think he took the BVC in the UK though...that's probably why he hasd only been suspended.

Anonymous 04 October 13 17:36

The Bar Directory today lists a Dr Dennis Thomas Delcaron O'Riordan, MA, D Phil(Oxon), said to be of Quadrant Chambers and Paul Hastings. Called October 1993. Could they be the same? A 20 year fantasy?

Anonymous 04 October 13 18:46

No surprise here. The senior end of most partnerships has its fair share of Walter Mitty types. All you need is an unjustifiably large ego, an ability to bullsh#t and the absence of morality. Actually I believe there is a fair element of Aspergers among senior partners.

Anonymous 04 October 13 19:30

anonymous @17:46 - you've just described three attributes that would be highly unusual for a person with Asperger Syndrome.

Anonymous 05 October 13 20:23

they forgot to add he also seems to have felt he was a visiting lecturer of Oxford University! see his Zoominfo profile:

Anonymous 05 October 13 21:47

This is typical of law firms - mediocre men rise to the top of law firms based primarily on their aggression, over-confidence and ability to talk about sport

Anonymous 07 October 13 15:26

Worked for him too a few years ago. Clever charming and "creative" lawyer but not suited to management. Had Gordon Brown style eruptions when challenged, now at least we know why. Had plenty to hide. Worrying that he was not subjected to proper background checks by anyone till now.

Roll On Friday 07 October 13 16:54

i worked with him some years back. a really reallly nice guy. hope he has put away enough cash to make it out of this cesspit and go somewhere where the sun always shines

Anonymous 09 October 13 19:38

Worked with him at Republic National Bank of New York London Branch , charming hard working and highly regarded. Wish him well.

Anonymous 15 October 13 14:36

Whether he was good at his job is irrelevant. This goes to his integrity. What else would he be prepared to lie about? It will be interesting to see if he is prosecuted. CV fraud is a criminal offence carrying a sentence of up to 10 years under the Fraud Act.