A District Judge has launched into a fantastic attack on Snoop Dogg.

Barry McElholm was hearing the case of 18-year-old Simone Campbell who had attended Dogg's concert in Londonderry last year. The court heard that Campbell had drunk eight glasses of wine and "a quantity" of rum before staggering home. In the course of her meanderings she managed to punch a policeman in the ear and resist arrest.

McElholm gave Campbell a 12-month probation order and used the opportunity to share his views on the popular rap artiste. "Why any woman would want to go to a concert to listen to this misogynist wretch escapes me", he said, adding "why he was allowed into this country in the first place is another matter".

    Brrrapp, brrrapp.

This is not the first time that McElholm has graced RoF's pages. Last year he hit the headlines for expressing his disbelief at someone wanting to pass himself off as a solicitor, and he previously gave a defendant 28 days in the cells for telling him to "get a wig, you baldy c**t".
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Anonymous 24 January 15 14:34

Judges at any level who have read too many books of reminiscences about judges in the "good old days" - they get my goat. Keep to the point, Sir/Madam/Your Honour/My Lord?my Lady, and spare us your social commentary.