McClure Naismith has gone into administration, with the loss of over 30 staff jobs, although almost all of the partners have moved to new firms.
The firm was still insisting three weeks ago that it was not "in any difficulty whatsoever", having failed to file its accounts for over six months. Most staff only discovered that it was speaking deep-fried bollocks a week later when Executive Chairman Robin Shannan emailed them a link to an interview he'd given to the Sunday Herald in which he admitted that the firm was looking for a saviour. RollOnFriday promised to eat its orange hat if administrators were not appointed within days. Sadly the headgear remains safe: last Friday McClure Naismith called in FRP Advisory to start selling it off.
By Monday the locks had been changed and over 30 staff were out of work: back from their summer holidays, staring at no salary, no job and with no notice.
    Shannan reassures staff that they're all in it together

By contrast those responsible for McClure Naismith's catastrophic failure have parachuted to safety. 23 of the 26 partners have secured new jobs, including Shannan, who along with four other partners is now sitting pretty at Maclay Murray Spens. MMS is taking on thirty other McClure staff who worked closely with the fleeing partners. Five more partners have jumped to Harper MacLeod, four to London firm Marriott Harrison, three to Burness Paul and the remaining six have joined other practices.
It is not known how long Shannan was negotiating the terms of his feathered nest before his own firm sank as he did not respond to requests for comment.

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 04 September 15 11:20

Reminds me a lawyer in City airport last night gloating about how instrumental he was in shutting down the Glasgow office "saving millions". No mention of the people who lost their jobs as a result of his greed. Though what else can you expect from a small man who says of his own daughter that she'll go far in law because she's blonde with big tits.

Anonymous 04 September 15 12:18

While it is sad that a lot of people have lost their jobs, it is unfair to single out the current Managing Partner for such a nasty little rant. I'm sure it was not his life's ambition to be at the helm when a Scottish stalwart failed, and I don't doubt it weighs heavily upon him. Why the outrage that the Firm's difficulties were not openly communicated earlier? Would that have helped or simply accelerated the failure? Why the indignation at the fact that most of the partners have found new roles - they have managed to take the majority of employees with them after all? Grow up.

Anonymous 04 September 15 13:59

Anonymous user at 11.18 - would your surname happen to be Campbell?? What's not fair in the article is to tar the salaried partners with the equity brush. They had a bit more notice than the inner circle but not much. anonymous at 10.20 I'd love to know who you were talking about

Anonymous 04 September 15 14:40

One unforgiveable failing was a belief that as people left, the firm was better off without them.But for pride and vanity a merger/takeover should have been sought a couple of years ago . It was obvious to the market where it would end unless they did so, so why wasn't it obvious to management ? The light they saw at the end of the tunnel was in fact the train that hit them.

Anonymous 04 September 15 14:51

Another Scottish law firm has collapsed, leaving staff unemployed and creditors wanting paid. How does the Law Society of Scotland permit these failed business people to continue to hold unrestricted practising certificates and to continue to allow them to supervise the training of new solicitors? Why would a client continue to instruct these solicitors and be able to trust what they say? I also wonder how staff feel when they see the smiling faces of their former employers now sitting pretty in their new firms.

Anonymous 04 September 15 16:50

To anonymous user at 12.59 from anonymous user at 11.18 - no, it isn't. I have no connection to any of the Partners of the former McClure Naismith. I am, however, a grown-up rather than a ranting little upstart.

Anonymous 04 September 15 17:46

12.59. He wasn't McClures. Short guy, Chavtasticly wide-striped blue pin stripe suit with a red lining. About mid to late 50's. Also has it in for a woman who didn't turn up to an interview who has apparently blown her career as a result. From his general chat I thought DLA were a possible home. Utterly charming man.

Anonymous 04 September 15 20:11

One wonders also about the stance of the banks who have lost substantial amounts of money from law firms going into administration only to see photos of the management from the failed firms and the management of the new receiving firms laughing away. Do the banks still lend new money to the receiving firms of the pre-pack deals, and do the banks provide legal work to such firms? MMS for example took on management from Semple Fraser when it entered administration as well as the latest law firm casualty. May be the Law Society of Scotland and the Banks need to take action to stop these pre-pack deals leading to employees losing their jobs without compensation, and make law firms take responsibility for the law firm debts through lower drawings and partners personal borrowings to fund the law firm.

Anonymous 04 September 15 20:15

Whatever many may think they won't be sitting pretty - lost capital, savaged earnings in the last few years, and none of the maligned partners will have feathered any nests. MMS will milk them for their legacy clients. Robin Shannan is a decent man - flawed, but decent and certainly not dishonest.

Anonymous 04 September 15 22:36

"It is not known how long Shannan was negotiating the terms of his feathered nest before his own firm sank as he did not respond to requests."
Sounds a lot like Dewey's London mis-managing partner Peter Sharp.

Anonymous 05 September 15 07:06

Aw, look at just how grown up and sensible the guy at 15.50 is?? Let's hope he never has to go home and tell his wife and kids that he's lost his job through no fault of his own. Gold star and pat on the head for you!!

Anonymous 05 September 15 14:15

Anonymous User 05/09/2015 0606

Whatever ... I suggest you get back to playing Minecraft and leave the discussion of serious matters to the adults. There's a good little oik.

Anonymous 05 September 15 22:54

Sorry mate, I'm too busy trying to find a new job and worrying about how to pay my mortgage and feed my kids this month to be able to bother with such trifles. Hope you're enjoying it up there in your ivory tower. Cheers for all the support though - I'm pleased to see you're the only person so far that's been so disparaging. Here's hoping karma pays you a visit.

Anonymous 06 September 15 10:45

if you're looking for sympathy I suggest you turn down the condescending attitude. Good luck with the job search, though, I'm sure you'll find something.

Anonymous 06 September 15 18:33

09.45 - I wouldn't say the person getting so irritated with you was being condescending, more that your attitude is astonishing given what's happened to the staff, some of whom obviously read these pages. Perhaps you should try some empathy rather than dishing out insults? It's really mean spirited to kick people when they are clearly down.

Anonymous 07 September 15 14:09

Perhaps you should take the time to read what I said before mounting your high horse. Of course it is sad that people have lost their livelihoods - I believe I made that point in my first comment. What I don't have time for is the knee-jerk "all partners are Machiavellian sociopaths" reaction. I'm surprised Mr Shannan's photograph was not further photo-shopped to add a top hat, black cape and waxed moustache.

Anonymous 07 September 15 14:59

It's "Mr" Shannan now, is it? While you're down there grovelling why don't you give him a gobble for good measure, you insensitive, lickspittle, utter, utter ladypart.

A large number of people have lost their livelihoods under his watch. Whilst this nightmare was unfolding Shannon did the entirely honourable thing of racing around to make sure that he and his mates were OK. A cape and waxed moustache wouldn't go near it.

Anonymous 07 September 15 16:12

"Mr" Shannon? Oh my God. Surely people don't still do that? What next "Yes Sir! Anything you say Sir! My wife Sir? Of course Sir. Help yourself Sir"?

Anonymous 07 September 15 21:33

I'm beginning if it's "Mr Shannan" himself who is attempting to mount some sort of last gasp defence here. And also, who is the chalk striped loud mouth?!? (Sorry to hark back over old ground)

Anonymous 07 September 15 21:58

13.09 the first person that took you on did make the point that it wasn't fair to tar the salaried partners with the same brush as the equity partners. I don't think anyone has disputed that since?

Anonymous 07 September 15 22:40

The rage is strong on this thread. Understandable for those directly affected. Only two more stages to go before acceptance.

Anonymous 08 September 15 07:29

"Mr" Shannan presided over the death of a firm, protected his equity chronies and managed to keep swanjing about while others undeservedly lost their jobs. None of them deserve defending, especially from someone who admits to having nothing to do with McClure's. It'll be interesting when MMS find out the real character of most of those partners they've taken on...

Anonymous 08 September 15 10:42

Oh No! This means I will have to bump into another failed managing partner in the lift on my way up to the office! Why does MMS bother?

Anonymous 08 September 15 14:02

Because MMS are desperate to halt their own inexorable decline. Not sure hiring failures is the way to go about it (and they have "previous" on that score) - perhaps the assumption is that there will be worthwhile "nuggets" among the general dross of the client base or the old "synergies" chestnut. If nothing else it will boost the top line.

Anonymous 08 September 15 20:11

09.42 There won't be space in that lift for you I'm afraid with Etchells (board member, joint head of real estate and big dog according to his linkedin profile) and Shannan in there. You'll either have to get the next lift with the not worthies or take the stairs. That is where you belong in the eyes of the supreme failures.

Anonymous 08 September 15 22:13

It is a a badly kept secret that MMS is seeking a merger partner - by adding more failures to its partnership will only make it unattractive.

Anonymous 09 September 15 08:49

MMS has been looking for a "major merger" for the past decade. So far their dance card remains empty as the eligible suitors waltz off with better-looking prospects. They have no option but to continue lowering their expectations. Even Bond Pearce turned up its nose.

Anonymous 09 September 15 10:51

Heh at any snooty comments from any Scottish commercial rivals of these guys. Big fish in a small pond guys.

Anonymous 09 September 15 15:13

With MMS's turnover down from a peak of 61 million to closer to 40 million excluding the Semple Fraser and McClure Naismith management bolt ons, these are desperate times for MMS's management. Poor management lead to the loss of MMS's star partners in most departments.