The Managing Partner of Taylor Wessing has offered kisses from his newly appointed female COO as prizes to his staff.

Tim Eyles recently gave an internal presentation which featured a video. Eyles announced to all present that whoever correctly guessed the music would get a kiss from Rachel Reid, his new female COO who had just joined from KWM. As one associate complained to RoF, "not only is this highly inappropriate, but it shows that management is comfortable with offering women as prizes".

    Taylor Wessing

Taylor Wessing has not been doing well recently when it comes to addressing issues of female inequality within the firm. In 2014 it announced a target of having 25% female partners by 2018. At that time women made up 17% of the partnership, a figure that has since fallen to 15%. And displays of casual sexism are unlikely to encourage women to stick around.

An insider says that all of Taylor Wessing's 16 female partners in the UK are at the lower end of the equity, there are no female business group leaders, and the only women on the executive board are non-lawyers (HR Director, Partnership Secretary and the kissable COO). And a male head of a department had to step down after being caught copping off with a first seat trainee at her welcome drinks...

No one at the firm was available to comment.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 24 June 16 16:38

"shows that management is comfortable with offering women as prizes" - honestly? Perhaps it shows that you have an MP with a sense of humour. This is not casual sexism at all.

Anonymous 25 June 16 14:02

One of the more ridiculous stories I've seen on here recently. Obviously a light hearted joke with no offence meant. If ROF want to discourage 'casual sexism' maybe they should consider how it uses the word 'kissable''...

Anonymous 26 June 16 00:48

Anon@1305 - nothing to do with ageism. Just an appreciation of TW that as a junior, it's ok. The more senior you are, the more obvious the sexist culture becomes. There's a clear glass ceiling and that will never be broken while the management is what it is.

Anonymous 26 June 16 01:37

I'm actually shocked by some of these comments. If you think what the MP said is acceptable, then you should be ashamed. It's not funny. It's not acceptable. It's basic and obvious sexism. You are all evidence of what's wrong with the City.

Anonymous 26 June 16 14:37

What's the bet that the chaps who have belittled this story are senior bods at TW?

It's wholly inappropriate, smacks of a "boys' club" mentality and frankly would put me off choosing to work there.

Anonymous 26 June 16 14:48

Anon@0037 Your comments just show how far we have to go as a nation. The level of faux outrage and virtue signalling is sickening.

Anonymous 30 June 16 14:14

Cobblers. We are running a business here, not organising a womens' rights rally for Labour. Rachel took it in good humour and she appreciates that TW is a place where ALL people can be themselves, not just hairy-armpited feminazis. Absolute tosh. Signed proud TW partner.

Anonymous 01 July 16 11:02

You really are an idiot, "proud TW partner": given the (accurate) description of the firm in these comments, I'm not sure how you think you're helping (if you're really a partner of course). I was at the BG meeting too and my armpits are hairy cos I'm a bloke.

Anonymous 01 July 16 14:20

I would suggest that attending the BG meeting was a career limiting move...signed the not really a TW Partner :-P