2nd Vax and 8 week gap
Asturias Es Mi… 20 Jul 21 13:40
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So oldest Asturian is 18 and has had Pfizer No1 vax 4 weeks ago. Annoyingly, despite the clinical evidence that says a 3 week gap is safe , the NHS has changed the 8 week gap thing from a guideline to a "not before" rule.

Not even the walk ins will 2nd vax him!!

Any ideas for getting a quicker 2nd vax?


[the 2nd vax appt date is set for when were in Asturias for the summer]

That is strange. I thought just a couple of weeks ago I walked past some advert that is part of a campaign urging young people to accelerate their second jab and giving a link for further info. Sorry I don't remember the link (or even paid attention in the first instance) ...

appaz the "grab a jab" campaign is done for time being.

There are still walkin centres but the 8 week gap is being observed as a strict rule where we asked (we tried two walk in centres today)


got to say, it's a fooking cheek to be planning to force kids to have vaccines by September but doing FA to bounce things a bit earlier so those that want them can go on a summer holiday

well, some people's friends are their family etc

point is that, if he is desperate to do what the govt wants him to do to the point of coercion, WHY NOT LET HIM DO IT


Can't you just go further afield and find a place that will jab him Asti? I mean, if this is the difference between going on holiday or not,  it's worth going to Liverpool (or wherever) if a walkin centre there will do it? 

Look for the "getjabbed" sub reddit. People report walk ins that will do under 8 weeks on there, although your son may need to move fast to act on those reports. 

Its definitely not all walk ins applying the 8 week limit because two of my colleagues got early second doses at the weekend.

You're right actually, I've thought about it and it was wrong of me. Asturias, quickly, send your son over and I'll suck the experimental vaccine poison put of his arm!