The absolute fooking state of this

Duckie m8, fighting for their lives might be an overreaction. Press are saying the evidence points to less severe illness and those hospitalised prob have an underlying health condition/comorbidity. Interested in our medical bredrens views on this...

Dux as the community approaches higher percentages of vaccination you’d expect a corresponding higher number of vaccinated people hospitalised by weight of sheer numbers when comparing both pools. The fact that 60% hospitalised are unvaccinated when vaccine take up is so high means that the vaccination is working incredibly well. 

Not sure I agree with that dimi, he is confirming that 40% of all people hospitalised by covid had already been fully vaccinated.

Agree though that there will come a point when almost everyone who dies "with covid" will have been jabbed.

Let's say you have 1,000 people of which 950 are vaccinated and 50 who are not.

Say 15 people are hospitalised.

Of those groups 10/950 of the vaccinated are hospitslised and 5/50 unvaccinated are hospitalised, so 2/3 of hospitalisations are vaccinated. 

Notwithstanding that would mean the hospitalisation rate of unvaccinated is 10% whereas in the vaccinated it's only 1%. That would also give vaccines a 90% efficacy rate against hospitalisation even though 2/3 of patients in hospital are vaccinated.