After Cameron, May, Johnson and Eden
Sir Woke XR Re… 05 Jul 22 19:35
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who’s britain’s fifth-worst prime minister ever?

of the latest three, May was easily the best

she inherited a shitshow created by her predecessor, nursed it ineffectually and then handed it over to Johnson to make worse in every respect 

She had every opportunity to not throw the country in the toilet and chose the most mendacious, cowardly, anti-democratic and downright Tory option every time.  May she burn in hell.

Fatty is way worse than the other 2

They did at least appear to be doing their best. They did (mostly) abide by the various unwritten rules that stop our public life going to sh1t. They weren’t openly corrupt. They did at least have the good grace to not lie openly to our faces even when the lie was a matter of public record. Neither of them appointed Nadine Dorries to the cabinet.

He is comfortably our worst PM ever and the damage he has done will endure

Nah, Cameron was way worse than Boris.

Austerity shattered this country. Boris was the capstone but the slow collapse of the British state (including brexit) was caused by Cameron and Osbourne. 

Brown and Blair by a country mile 

These two, with their negligent supervision of the banking sector, being the men responsible for the banking collapse,and creating the conditions where "  "austerity shattered this country" to quote Labor groupie Pancake above 

It always takes 20 years at least to recover from Labor's mess


In all seriousness the order is, from worst to nearly as bad:

1, Cameron - responsible for the constitutional vandalism of Brexit, a vain and stupid empty vessel, aloof and clannish, inclined to believe his own hype, a snake in the grass who inflicted tory ideology on the powerless and set the country on the road to ruin.

2. Johnson - just awful, but without Cameron he wouldn't really have been a thing.

3. Thatcher - vandalised the country's economy and society, and quite clever, so can't plead the fool's defence. Also created the modern City of London. Khunt. But secretly liked the EU, so not as bad as Johnson; and more honest than Cameron.

4. Chamberlain - was wrong about Hitler, and generally failed to prepare properly for, or really understand in any way, everything that would come... but it probably didn't make THAT much difference.

5. May - did fvck all, but that's her defence as well as what she's charged with.

6. Eden - OOH! OOH! KONTRO! He was basically right to oppose Nasser, and the real villain of the piece here is Eisenhower financially blackmailing us to cease our action to defend a crucial transport artery against the ravages of a dictator. Something which, of course, the Americans themselves later demanded applause for doing in Panama. Eden was a rank failure but he wouldn't have been if he'd had the balls to tell Ike fvck off, we're doing this whether you like it or not.

I'm not actually putting Heath on the list. He succeeded at the one big thing he wanted to do, and it was a good thing.

Brown was positively a good PM.

Callaghan wasn't a bad one, and things were actually sharply improving when the SNP decided to bring him down, paving the way for Thatcherism, with its monetarist lies and money supply mumbo-jumbo, to rape the industrial economy and industrial communities. We hadn't needed the IMF bailout - the Treasury, who then as now were all Tories, lied to Healey - and inflation was coming under control.

Amusing effort by Laz there 

Nothing obviously compares to the destruction of the economy wreaked by Bliar and Brown, resulting in no person under 30 being able to afford a house 

Or to the previous Labor government having to scurry off to the IMF for emergency bale out loans, another mess that it took Thatcher 10 years to sort out 

Difficult obviously for the Scotch socialist Threepwood being able to process the destruction created by his Scotch compatriots - "Royal" Bank of Scotland etc 

tarquin the liar continues to cite the IMF “bail out” against Labour despite that argument having been decisively kicked into the weeds by me, above, non shocker

the accusation against bliar and brown of wreaking havoc against the economy is blown out of the water by the fact that the tozzas in the 12 years since have fooked the economy far harder, increased borrowing without investment far more (mostly cos it’s gone in2 the pockets of their m7s) and have been all round much less competent

and the most insidious of the bliar years projects (eg pfi in instances where it has cocked) were started and loudly and proudly supported by the tozzas

'fooked the economy far harder, increased borrowing' 

As stated, it normally takes 20 years for the economy to recover from the mess left by Labor 

These are the outward and visible signs 

I’m not sure May belongs on this list tbf. It was an utter horror of a hospital pass to be PM at that point, and her main and entirely forgivable failing was thinking that there was some sort of middle ground soft Brexit that could unite the country. Diligent, honest, hard-working etc. Just not charismatic enough to take people with her or creative enough to unite the house. 

It’s like criticising the fireman running into the North Tower for not carrying a large enough fire extinguisher. 

Burns wrote of himself in 1787, "The appellation of a Scotch Bard, is by far my highest pride; to continue to deserve it is my most exalted ambition."

 In County Donegal (chiefly in East Donegal and Inishowen) and County Tyrone (especially in rural West Tyrone), the term Scotch is widely used.

hardrada06 Jul 22 07:36



'fooked the economy far harder, increased borrowing' 

As stated, it normally takes 20 years for the economy to recover from the mess left by Labor 

it’s gonna take 20-30 years 2 recover from the mess the tozzas have made and continue 2 make

if we ever can recover tbh

theyve basically permanently releg7ed us 2 a third tier nation 

I think of Cameron, May and Bojo, history will be kindest on May. Whilst generally crap at negotiating, her deal was better than BoJo’s. She was at least principled.

Cameron and Bojo can fight it out, Bojo arguably more competent (low low bar) but less honourable

sorry no, by no measure is bojo more competent - than ne1

he’s entirely idle. his preference is not 2 govern

his only talent is self-promotion and surrounding himself with ppl bizarrely committed 2 helping him promote by doing the heavy lifting he cannot be rsed with

was thinking that there was some sort of middle ground soft Brexit 

 her brexit, ie the brexit we have, is not in any way a soft, middle ground. Part of her shameful, disgraceful legacy was to make people forget this (see below article). Like I said, she had so many opportunities not to throw the country in the bin but every time she close the option that was best for her precious Tory party, entirely disregarding the interests of the country and democracy. Attitudes have softened towards her because of the clown car that followed but she should never be forgiven. Just last week, she was preaching that the Northern Ireland bill would further ruin the country’s international reputation but the fvcking wretch couldn’t even bring herself to vote against it. 

never forget…

And as for “honest” 🤣 How many times did we hear “will of the people” from her craven mouth? Her lies about a second referendum have consigned this country and its economy and its politics to the scrapheap. 

She was at least principled.

She had two, and only two, principles:

- I will do whatever is best for the Tory party and fvck everything and everyone else; and

- I will make life as miserable as possible for vulnerable foreign people in this country at every available opportunity. 

May and the Cameroonians weren’t as vain, mendacious, baroque and last days of Rome as Johnson and his cabal of freaks and rejects. But if anything, in terms of base intellect, they were actually stupider. Osborne the only notable exception to the legacy of the cameron years as the time the really dim people got into government. Osborne’s clever.

Seemed to know what was necessary to clean up Labor's mess 


With the benefit of hindsight, we can see that he did a really good job of fixing the economy.

He had (and, apparently, you have) a sub-6th form understanding of economics.  IF WE DON'T BOTHER WITH PUBLIC SERVICES WE'LL BRING DOWN THE DEBT!!!!11ONEHUNDREDANDELEVEN!!11

yep, the biggest mistake osborne and co made was  believing that “fixing” the economy is about short term tweaking of arbitrary national debt 2 gdp ratio measures

nothing could b more simplistic or wrong

The khunt continued with austerity for four years after even the IMF switched to saying “mea culpa on that one guys, please stop doing austerity it’s terrible for your economy”

but the national credit card!!!

Neville Chamberlain, for appeasing Hitler. How just do you allow a country to give away some of its territory to a dictator? Not far behind are Heath and Callaghan. They didn't have the guts to shit on the unions - rather it was vice-versa, especially the NUM - unlike Maggie T.

As for Maggie T, I'm 50/50 with her. The plus side: she helped end the Cold War and crushed the Unions, especially the NUM, abolished secondary picketing, but on the minus, she destroyed  the unwritten but implicit social contract in UK society.


To use an unpleasant and rough analogy:

Cameron was HIV - there for a long time, slowly doing damage

May was AIDS - sudden rapid decline in function, lining things up for catastrophic failure

Johnson was/is an uncontrolled infection causing the whole shit show to fall apart. 

“May - did fvck all, but that's her defence as well as what she's charged with.“

Theresa May was / is a contemptible, utterly illiberal racist who oversaw the shameful Windrush scandal and the “hostile environment” policy more generally while at the Home Office. 

She also spearheaded the introduction of some of the worst laws in recent history, see the Investigatory Powers Act (which would have been even worse had it not been for the Lib Dem’s); the Psychoactive Substances Act.

She then totally fvcked up Brexit. Johnson’s version of Brexit was her Brexit. He just pushed it over the line. 

In all of the above, she laid the groundwork for Johnson and Patel.

She did a lot more than fvck all. 

Hear hear.

The contemptible face of middle England hoping no one will notice her taking a knife to basic decency whilst at the Home Office. And nobody did. Because brexit was even worse. And she fvcked that up too. Over- promoted, appalling judgment. Just because she sat behind Johnson mocking his venality doesn’t make her chamber of horrors of an administration any less culpable.