Best time to ski

Early season, late doors, Xmas week etc. Let's have u. 

what sailo said

oh but all the school trips all the kids having lessons

who gives a shite fgs

shirtsleeves on the slopes and beers on a sunny terrace

skiing in January mings

I hate spring skiing as slush just makes it heavier work.  I generally go for February and avoid the school holidays so there’s just less traffic on the slopes.

Love to go the week before the state schools break for Christmas, and go high for snow. Slopes are empty. Love it. Apres is a bit muted but you can always get a seat. 

Depends on what you are wanting to get out of it. I've done some great training courses at weird times like August or November in places that is possible due to good snow. I've also skied in May in California which was brilliant sunshine and a bit slushy.

If you just stick to the marked pistes I would not be that worried about the avalanche risk as the resort will manage it, largely keep the slopes open and keep people skiing. There's a lot of factors in avalanche risk and it is not just about how much snow has or has not fallen in the last day or so. Temperature changes between snowfalls and bonding between layers is more of a factor. I was skiing a couple of weeks ago, you could hear the cannons going and the pistes that had sufficient snow were all kept open. I'd be more concerned about wind as it affects the lifts. Sun was out a lot and spent a bit of time having beers. 

If you are chasing pow you should get a guide and look at Jan/Feb really.