brits want some restrictions - but not for ever

That poll saying 26% want nightclubs closed forever... probably just down to how the question was worded:

A Covid poll with some very different findings to *that* viral Ipsos one | Financial Times (

Yes, Lockdown Sceptics (now called the Daily Sceptic) had a detailed piece on this. More neutral wording drops the support for restrictions by something like 2/3s (depending on the question). 

I wonder what the stats will say when the pubs have been back to normal for a bit. You could be standing at the bar for a while next to someone who is unvaxxed and works in a high risk environment like a hospital or court or bus where they’re more vulnerable to Covid because of the other people there, even apart from their own co-morbidities. There’ll be a point pretty soon where that sort of behaviour will be deemed irresponsible.