Georges Simenon supposedly slept with 10,000 women


Imagine finding that many people appealing 

Even with an 80% discount - 2000 women is pretty good going as I believe the lifetime average for men in this country is 10-12…

10,000 though - isn’t that essentially a new woman every night of his adult life or something?

Laz when you’re discussing how you respect women and their hard-won rights with your daughters as suggested on an earlier thread I recommend this thread as an introductory text to demonstrate.

That’s one possibility Laz. I think it’s more likely he was a sex addift the way Epstein is supposed to have been - I believe Epstein couldn’t function without having sex 2-3 times a day - got cranky and stopped thinking clearly the way you and I might from caffeine withdrawal. So it was probably just a habit for Simenon like brushing his teeth - dropping in at the usual brothel after work for a quick one 

Sex without love, or without the desire to at least form some sort of meaningful bond is kind of gross though. It dehumanises everyone involved.

Living your life as though people are disposable. That’s to be pitied, not envied. 

I’m not trying to sound like a prude. Morally anything goes between consenting adults.

But the habitual commoditisation of other human beings is a fvcking bleak way to live.

10,000 is good going for a chap who smoked a pipe.

Apparently he resented his brother’ Christian’s close relationship with his mother, so the 10k may be a result of Mommy Ishoos.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s done the maths on this, but faod 10000 is a new one every day for about 27 and a half years. Even accounting for orgies, etc that is some batting average. 

“It dehumanises everyone involved.”

No it doesn’t.

It could, and perhaps frequently does, if one of the parties behaves in such a way as to dehumanise the other. But the act of having sex without the intention of creating a lasting bond does not in itself dehumanise. What a weird perspective. It may do quite the opposite. In the same way having a meaningful discussion with someone who you probably won’t see again is enriching (and indeed, that and sex often go hand in hand). 

Please accept my invitation to go fvck yourself you centrist dad bullshit w**kstain

Tetchy boi had a few ales last night eh? I was tucked up in bed while you were screaming into the abyss. 

I've not my tongue a few times on your bullshit RR but this time thought I'd let you have it 


By all means carry on posting your shyte but be aware you're a horrid sad little man and I don't give a fvck to engage with you on here again. Plus it's just fvcking weird 



You've never bitten your tongue, ever. You throw yourself a pity party every time we interact. You've massively over reacted on this thread because you were pished. No harm in that, but please deal. 

No I didn't 

I'm sober now and reaction is same . I wasn't pissed last night . It wasn't an over reaction. You're an obnoxious bellend.

Anyway done with you now and probably this place on general tbh 

Over and out 

You now realise my post about Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't about you but in your cups you got confused. Nothing in my post that mentioned you warrants this response. 

Least believable flounce ever. 

Bertha not engaging with the point and instead trying and failing to sound intelligent. How very rof. 

My post addressed the objective and the subjective. My point being that objectively it clearly does not dehumanise, and for many people, in many situations, it does not subjectively dehumanise either - quite the opposite. 

Eugenie made a blanket statement, implying that it always does so, in all situations. I don’t agree.

I could probably have made more money for less being a rent boy than a conveyancer.

Sex in all its forms is pleasurable hence why I've rarely ever said no when the opportunity has presented itself.

still slightly in awe of the alleged fact in th OP

that’s easily the adult female population of my home town

although if you couch it in those terms it sounds less like something to aspire to

Tbf you have to be meticously organised to rack up those of stats. 

You always think of French (I know he’s Belgian…) novelists being prevaricating and pontificating dillatentes, but in practice he must have had a highly disciplined regime. 

I think the suggestion that I should have recognised that the situation was more nuanced that I acknowledged is entirely fair.

I’m talking to myself as much as anyone else. I’ve had a husband, and then a FWB and now I’m working back into something more serious. So rather inclined to spout affirmations perhaps.

For a while there I was doing a decent job of convincing myself that a FWB was enough, because Christ almighty the benefits were immense.

But it wasn’t, and terrifying as it is, I’m signing myself up for the codependency thing again. 

Junk food is delicious, but I couldn’t eat it for the rest of my life. 

For such a prolific swordsman in the days before penicillin etc., it’s amazing he didn’t contract any number of serious STD’s and die well before his 87th year.

I love Sailo’s boob collage idea. Would you have it printed on a duvet cover?

Cushion covers. This would be the only legitimate reason to have cushions on a bed.