A hypothetical about vaccine passports

You are a Chinese student, living in China, had your sinovaxx, got your passport thing, very excited to be studying at the university of Manchester this autumn.

How will the club in Manchester check your passport? Maybe it's translated into English (I'd guess this won't be universally the case) but it won't be a standard recognisable format and it probably won't be a vaccine approved in the UK.

So how do clubs handle it? Do they have to learn the vaccine passports of the world, accept anything that looks reasonable or do they ban foreigners?

And how long will foreigners keep spending £££ in UK universities if it's the latter?

Sorry for saying foreigners so much I've been reading a lot about Brexit.

They usually can't arrive substantially in advance because of their visa conditions. And vaccination in home country is likely to be a condition of study.

I don't think the NHS would vaccinate already vaccinated people.

Perhaps the universities will issue a "good enough for us" card to use about town.

Perhaps we could just get these things to be a QR code they scan or an old school piece of paper with your home language and English in the way most passports do?  I also suspect that when the detail comes it will only relate to venues over a specified capacity.

I know a Chinese girl who lived in the UK but went home to China during lockdown and she's been jabbed in China and now she's back in London has also had a first dose here.

Students don’t go out these days. They just stay in their rooms drinking herbal tea and eating vegan food, staying healthy and worrying about climate change and gender pronouns. Not like in my day when we raised hell AND got a degree etc etc

Somewhat ironic this scenario given the origin of the virus.

I don't think we should recognise a vaccination status if we haven't recognised the vaccine. If it doesn't work then that increases the risk for others.

So get a new, proper jab (and pay for it).

I've checked this with some international students who confirm they pay £20k p/a to get into nightclubs in the UK. This is why international students avoid all US universities, as a Harvard degree is worthless when you can't chug until you are 21.