Insulate Britain from idiots

I’m all for action which helps prevent climate change and believe people should have the right to protest. 

My issue with Insulate Britain and Extinction Rebellion is that these disruptions don’t result in any meaningful change. If mega-conglomerates aren’t taking meaningful action it’s all for nothing. If the Government doesn’t incentivise builders to construct more efficient housing, they won’t.  

What has repeatedly blocking the M25 done? Beyond cause significant delays and waste petrol? Stalling cars sat in grind lock doesn’t seem to be a sensible solution. 

I also have an issue that these movements are very one note, there’s a lack of diversity. An element of group think of middle/upper class white people who want to make themselves feel good about themselves. 

Does ER print their posters on 1000% recycled paper? What about all those placards which are often left littered at the end of protests? 

This was a bit of a rant, sorry Londonlife, in case you read this.