Israel’s Attacks on Gaza Are Not “Mistakes.” They’re Crimes.

We (as in you and I) know but I’m frequently surprised by how many people ignore the double standards that abound and attribute good intent to the US’s actions 

I feel ashamed to admit this, but I've now taken to avoiding news and content about Gaza.


The images, videos, and stories are horrific beyond measure and I feel powerless to do anything.


I've donated substantially, and continue to, but it makes little difference. 


I also think the apathy/acceptance from the wider Israeli population about the conduct of their government is disgusting to say the least. The memes and jokes about dead babies, the celebration of settlers destroying villages, and so on. This is also makes little difference, but I've started boycotting all Israeli companies/companies that support Israel. 

Perfectly understandable why someone would feel that way. Don’t underestimate how much you’re doing still helps. The donations are vital to keep the likes of UNRWA providing what aid they can get into Gaza and the awareness of this cause is what will ultimately drive elected officials to take more meaningful action