Jefferson B. Sessions



I wonder how this will play out Muellerwise.

Now the Trumpenator has gone into the never never and started to fook with the Rule of Law. Uh oh spaghetti oh. This will not play nicely.


if only he could say ‘it’s late, I was tired. I’d had a long day at the midterms and I got a bit carried away and messed up. Sorry, Jeff, my bad.’

Mueller is playing this by the book. Just slowly digging up bodies, doing plea deals and turning witnesses, gradually building the mother of all cases. 


I predict he will go too slow then just as he is about to launch the indictment, Trump will drop dead of a massive heart attack or stroke while bawling out his press secretary. 

The prosecution will be defeated and Trump’s followers will make him a JFK antichrist martyr hero.

Next step will be another investigation/possible prosecution of Clinton I think. Whitaker said he could see grounds for it in the run up to the presidential election.

This is going to get very, very ugly indeed. 

Draco, both of those posts are fair and there is no inconsistency:

the only appropriate action was to sack Sessions back in February. Trump did not do so.

the only possible reading of Trump deciding to do so now is that he wants to undermine Mueller