JK Rowling

Definitely got a sense of humour.  Some nutter on Twitter threatened to send her a pipe bomb and her response was:

"To be fair, when you can't get a woman sacked, arrested or dropped by her publisher, and cancelling her only made her book sales go up, there's really only one place to go"

She is a legend.  Don't agree on her much when it comes to politics but really admire her steel and fook you attitude.  Easier or course when you have not just fook you money, but fook you and all your ancestors to money. 

She also said

"now hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me I’ve realised that this movement poses no risk to women whatsoever.”


Why are people who claim to be motivated by love and tolerance feel proud of themselves for expressing hate and intolerance?

Men don't like gobby women who don't care what they think 

and women don’t like gobby men who don’t care what women think.

and that’s because gobby inconsiderate people are tossers.

The cancel culture thing is bizarre. It’s like a toddler putting fingers in ears and singing loudly. People have different opinions non shocka. 

Twitter is an utter cesspit.