Leftist beliefs thread - peak Brent

King George20 Jul 21 14:40

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Odd that people ignore my post and just slag me off.

Tom, I was referring to the fact that in the UK we now have many areas and schools the exclusive preserve of one religious or ethnic group, and this is considered to be great. I think it is worrying. We should have a melting pot, not a mass of distinct and mutually distrusting communities.


"The melting pot, that's what I want so.... there's your racist"

Spaceman came down to answer some things
The world gathered round from paupers to kings
"I'll answer your questions, I'll answer them true,
I'll show you the way, you'll know what to do

Who is wrong and who is right?
Yellow, brown, black or white?

Spaceman, he answered, "You'll no longer mind
I've opened your eyes, you're now colour-blind"

Racial. So…