Modern toilet bowls

Are much too shallow, which means that it is usually necessary to wield the brush. They use less water, which is progress. But it comes at a terrible cost.

You have 5 bogs sailo.


No wonder they don't require cleaning. Presume you have some sort of rotation system planned?

Maybe calendar entries to remind you?

Good stuff.

I have a trendy Italian one which is supposed to be eco-friendly using less water/flush.  Actually means it requires several flushes.  Prolly uses more water, consequently.

(Does a constant diet of pasta and pizza make Italian turds easier to flush?)

Fosco never design a house with in collaboration with elderly parents as even they now agree that two downstairs loos and a ground floor bathroom might have been overkill but does mean you're never more than about 30 feet from a loo.

The one in the main bathroom is normal.

The one in my en-suite is French style so I can measure how many courics I have created in pursuit of my record chasing attempts.

That's German style Tecco.  The French prefer a shower tray with two footrest and a hole in the middle leading directly to The Seine.

As I have said before, the peak of human achievement was the admitage shanks avocado bathroom suite of the late 70s/early 80s which held a tank with a flush so powerful it could send a grown man's offerings straight to Siberia, taking out several Russian subs on its merry way.  The modern optional pressy button debacle is a disgrace.  I doubt it actually saves water either given you have to give it 6 or 7 flushes to get rid of a london pride special.  And you cant crank the handle to gain momentum like a proper ballcock number.  We stand on the shoulders of giants no more.  This is the reason civilisations fail.

Spot on Wang. Work loos have that water-saving feature, where you have to press and hold a greasy button smeared in the excrement of the great unwashed. It's unspeakably monstrous.

I believe my leavings traverse from the south coast to the north, gathering momentum as they are fired at pinpoint accuracy to tourist surfer twots on porthminster beach.