Moving back to London in late 30s

I'm thinking about making the move back to London because I live in the shires and all my friends are having kids and I can't just hang around doing outdoorsy stuff on my own forever.

Also I imagine the tube is less busy now than before WFH.

I lived in London for 6 years prior to going back to the west country so have lots of friends there still. 

I do know the annoying London things generally.

Terrible idea?

Btw I should preface that I grew up in deepest darkest Cornwall. My dad flew helicopters out of Culdrose FFS.

For me 'London' includes places like Surrey, and Kent.

I should have said 'nearer to london' then just do hybrid working for going into 'The Great Wen'

Tube use down but probably 90% of pre COVID peak on Tw.a.t. days

30% of that m and f 

Pub use up massively and business booming again 

Struggling to meet client demand again 


What Davos said applies to my provincial city too. A group of us from work usually go for dinner mid week. Plenty of times we are turned away from restaurants / they’re totally full.