People are literally having a sh1t and claiming it to be a life-changing liberating experience whilst making a documentary about it, FFS

“Moved into a new apartment this past weekend to start a new chapter in my life.

This chapter is called "ascension".

Now, this may not make sense right now, but in 10 years it will...

I'm taking on a project that will take a decade to complete. 

My self-directed documentary, filmed in real-time while I go through life.

I'll be sharing my lessons learned, what I'm doing, who I'm meeting, where I'm living, and so much more.

I've always struggled to connect myself to a more long-term goal when it comes to content but this project is a chance for me to do exactly that.

So, welcome to my journey”

It's the social media age taken to its logical conclusion. Why stop at posting about random and trivial events in isolation? Stream your entire life as it happens and let others decide whether it's worth watching. Once we're all doing this humanity will have reached the point where all it does is take real-time videos of itself, um, taking real-time videos of itself. Well, it's a change from financial services and perhaps no less vacuous.