Peter Higgs

At last he can find out what God thinks of his discovery.

I often wonder whether in centuries to come these alleged current scientific ‘discoveries’ like Higgs Boson will be placed alongside miasma, the sun going round the earth, and bloodletting as a load of old bollix.

Who knows?

It could have been a random equipment recording malfunction. No one else has repeated the observation.

My point is that for us to treat present day scientists as all knowing gods ignores the realities of the last 2500 years of listening to such  sages  from yesteryear.

Who knows?

The scientists at CERN and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences who awarded them the Nobel Prize for Physics.

Or was it AlL A cOnSpIrACy!!!!!!!

Where’s the Nobel prize for the scientist that discovered the Covid jab was being used by the government to control your mind, hmmm? Proper science is not being recognised. 

No doubt YWTF you listened intently and believed Dr Wakefield.

In our own sphere who picks up all the awards and gongs? Folks like Professor Phil Shiner.

Don’t be such a sheep.

I often wonder whether in centuries to come these posts by Marshall Hall will be noted for their continuous and inexplicable italicisation of the closing words without apparent point.

for all that, he makes a good point in that scientists past have considered themselves (and been considered by their peers) to have proven things which turned out later not to be proven

if you were correct, which you obviously aren’t, then you’d have to add Pinko to the list of hehees for believing the existence of the HB was proven at CERN


Who knows?

It could have been a random equipment recording malfunction. No one else has repeated the observation.

Sorry, do you actually believe that they only did it once?

What a lovely anecdote from the NYT coverage of his death:

A half-century later, on July 4, 2012, he received a standing ovation as he walked into a lecture hall at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, in Geneva and heard that his particle had finally been found. On a webcast from the laboratory, the whole world watched him pull out a handkerchief and wipe away a tear.

“It’s really an incredible thing that it’s happened in my lifetime,” he said on the webcast.

Declining to stick around for the after-parties, Dr. Higgs flew right back home, celebrating on the plane with a can of London Pride beer. CERN, which has shelves of empty Champagne bottles commemorating great moments lining its control room, asked if it could have the can, but Dr. Higgs had already thrown it away.