Recommend a series - Netflix / Now / iplayer

At a bit of a loss as to what to start next. I enjoyed Stay Close recently on iplayer and started Downton on NF. I’ve been watching Just Like That on Now. Started The Chestnut Man on NF but finding it a little slow, good though. Ready for Ozark 4 to begin soon

throw me your recommendations for good stuff that’s on. Also hoping to watch some good films this eve and over the next few days.

Yes it is largely teen drama but Friday Night Lights is such a well written show and the performances are great. One of the best character arcs is actually that of Buddy and his redemption

Thanks, some great suggestions for hibernation nights in.

Yes Rog what was that all about? Great Ozark 4 is out, can’t wait to start it!

also liked The Serpent a couple years back.

Royal - also Harlen is The Stranger if you hadn’t heard. Liked it.