Sorry but (Cummings)

Boris is a twot and his Government smells of smeggy public school teen cock but you were fired and you were a political appointment not an elected MP so thanks but fook off with your TV expose because your views are now no better than those of my foreskin. I dont care who is right but BOTH the PM and Dom suffer from a level of misapprehension as to the validity and relevance of their instinctive opinions but Dom was not voted in to present his. He is just, for the record, one of Boris’ many mistakes. 

high water passed. We move on.

Thoughtful comment Mutters but re this:

"I dont care who is right but BOTH the PM and Dom suffer from a level of misapprehension as to the validity and relevance of their instinctive opinions but Dom was not voted in to present his. He is just, for the record, one of Boris’ many mistakes. "

Dom will say - he won because of Dom as without Dom's brains Boris is just a poster boy.  

In amongst the delusions of grandeur were some incredible insights into how our country has failed over the last decade. I found it interesting and terrifying.

Do they differ from the rest of the pensioner’s leg on mask wearing?

(Presumably the windsock is anti demasking but that’d be a sore point for the PL…)


Dom will say - he won because of Dom as without Dom's brains Boris is just a poster boy.  

of course he will 

but thereby both prove their mutual moronity.

Oh you are so amazing no you are

no you are

no you are are you

no you are but if I may make a suggestion you are a bit crap at all this 

what? You are- yes you!! You are crap at this as well!!!

you are more crap than me. Oh yeah you are crap you are crappest. You know you are crappest.

 okay now I’d like to say that you are the most crap. you are shit no you are. 




Worthy of respect I think you will agree

It's really depressing how the beeb feel the need to big up their exclusive interview with dom in such a desperate attempt to appear relevant.

I'm sorry, but the bbc used to be so much better than this.

one would have hoped that the views of mutters’ cupule r always the inside of mutters’ pants at a variety of angles depending on a combo of the looseness of said pants and the vigorousness of mutters’ movement

any other view carries a presumption of criminal offence