The sun clearly down a marker on nick brown

Just in case the Labour Party get a bit carried away 

There have been rumours about nick brown (former labour chief whip/fixer) for some time.  He then disappeared .  He then announced he wasn’t standing 

The sun have basically said once we’ve dealt with ongoing legal matters we’re coming for him and it’s far worse than anything else being talked about at the moment 

The sun have basically said once we’ve dealt with ongoing legal matters

by ongoing legal matters do you mean paying off public figures for hacking their phones so as to avoid a trial where their unconscionable criminality will sink them forever? 

Maybe a Tory MP should make use of that snide Labour trick of using parliamentary privilege to reveal what's actually been going on.

Otherwise it seems Labour will get away with covering this up .

Maybe a Tory MP should make use of that snide Labour trick of using parliamentary privilege to reveal what's actually been going on.

Luckily for LIEBOUR, Tory MPs are above any snide parliamentary tricks.