What is a nice gift for someone whose dad has just died

I would like to send her something transportive but not sure what. Flowers would probably just be annoying (although did consider houseplant).

No, she is really picky about wine (only drinks Riesling from a particular vineyard etc) so I can't do booze and probably chocolate also out as she's a bit eating disordery.

i got lots of flowers, which was appreciated (if you're worried about her having a houseful, buy her a bouquet with a vase included so that it's one less thing to worry about). You could also send her a handwritten card (separate to the one attached to the flowers), telling her how sorry you are etc etc, and if you knew her Dad, you could put in something personal about him. That's what i liked, people taking time to remember him and their memories of him.

i bought a beautiful box recently for a friend whose husband had died, to put all the letters etc in. When i went round there were already masses of flowers and the letters piling up in a plastic folder.

depends how well ypu know her really.

A dildo.

"Hope this is a close enough replica, to remind you of him."

(I'm going to burn in hell for this, am I not? In my defense, I am still in the office waiting for a junior to turn something for me to review that has to go out tonight.)