Why hasn't he been cancelled?

Rapper DaBaby apologises for HIV comments made at festival - BBC News

I don't see the usual suspects lining up to condemn and cancel him. Why might that be? Any ideas? 

Actually there were a very long line of people queuing up to condemn and cancel him, but if it suits you and your agenda to pretend otherwise by all means you do you

He just misspoke. Ho-hum move along now quickly. 

It's not like he posted something relatively tame on Twitter a decade ago, before he was famous, and is now being punished for it disproportionately because of his sex and skin colour. 

What a aunt.  I am sure there are a few exceptions, but the modern rap scene seems to be almost exclusively misogynistic, homophobic dickheads who pump out moronic bilge about how many cars they have and their (almost certainly made-up) sexual and violent acts.  An absolute cesspit.

Not just American ones either Stormzy is a complete tool as well.  

It amazes me how white liberals put rap on a pedestal and make saints of the likes of Stormzy as well as making out that he an others are musical and literary geniuses. 

It's the racism of low expectations.  If this rubbish was produced by white musicians and white musicians dressed and behaved the way black rappers did it would be mocked relentlessly. 

A short sample of Stormzy's brilliant lyrical talent.

State your name, cuz
It's Stormzy, innit?
And what we doing today?
Repping, innit?
Yeah, fooking repping, innit?
Yeah, fire in the park, let's go!

Man try say he's better than me
Tell my man, shut up
Mention my name in your tweets
Oi, rudeboy, shut up
How can you be better than me?
Shut up
Best in the scene
Tell my man-

Couple man called me a backup dancer
Onstage at the BRITs, I'm a backup dancer
If that makes me a backup dancer
The man in your vids? Backup dancer
The man in your pics? Backup dancer
Man wanna chat about backup dancer
Big man like me with a beard
I'm a big man, how the fook can I backup–?

Stunning and evocative poetry. 


because “cancelling” isn’t something that actually happens to actual people outside the fetid imaginations of right wingers who are pissed off with people calling them prejudiced idiots

because “cancelling” isn’t something that actually happens to actual people outside the fetid imaginations of right wingers who are pissed off with people calling them prejudiced idiots

Reliably wrong as always. Wonder how much acting work Laurence Fox is getting or how many gigs Andrew Doyle, Andrew Lawrence and Konstantin Kisin are booking outside of the ones they organise themselves? 

Fair point, although 'twas ever thus with pop music.

Yes, but we didn't make preposterous claims about the literary merits of Banaanrama or say that Showaddywaddy should be on the school curriculum. 

There is plenty of brilliant music being produced by black people we don't have to patronise them by doing the equivalent of sticking a child's terrible drawing on the fridge and telling them it's amazing.