
Latest revelations absolutely amazing 

Risky you should probably use the CliveWarren account when you want to post something and not get the piss ripped out of you. The risky account is strictly for cold takes and face rakes.

Scep Tick08 Apr 24 13:58

Surprising that the FSB needed Wirecard when they already had Merkel and Scholz.


it's another one of those "Russia is 100 times weaker than you think" things isn't it, they're good at operating in loop holes and dabbling in crime but in the face of serious opposition they crumble 

as if “elite russian hit squads” exist

the goons who fvcked up the attack in salisbury were presumably selected for being among their country’s best

The "goons who fvcked up the attack in Salisbury" were instructed to make it as messy and public as possible, and then to deny it in the most ridiculous sarcastic terms, for maximum publicity and to leave everyone in no doubt that Russia could and would murder people on Uk soil with impunity.