Food Abominations

Stilton (in fact blue cheese in general)



Cottage Cheese

Andouillette is monstrously vile.

Tuxford & Tebbutt is outstanding among stiltons and cheese generally. Mushrooms are fine as are pineapples.  Cottage cheese is rank.

Nearly had a horrible moment at hotel this weekend when forgot to say no beans on coked breakfast.  Fortunately they came in a little ramekin and could be jettisoned without contamination - would recommend place for that reason alone 

I agree on the cheese. What other food do people eat that they have deliberately allowed to rot until it turns blue. It's disgusting.


Other items that are equally abhorrent: Kidneys, stomach linings, feet, and gizzards.

Blue cheese has amazing tangy umami brilliance. Mixed into a white sauce, it can elevate a dish. 

The smell of mushrooms cooking in butter, blitzed into a sauce, they can add so much to a dish. Even if you can’t eat them whole, they can add to a meal. 

Have you tried caramelised pineapple with chilli and mint? Pure heaven. 

Cottage cheese is peculiar though. 

+1 for andouillette

There's not much that makes me want to vom but - apart from the usual no-go list like chicken feet and pig snout - on the list are:

tete de veau sauce gribiche



Blue cheese isn't just cheese that has been allowed to rot until it turns blue. They specifically inject an edible blue fungus (a member of the penicillin family, penicillium roqueforte). 

A Russian dish, called Kholodets, is the vilest thing I have ever eaten. Served as a New Year's 'treat', it typically bits of fish in cold aspic. It is a shivering jelly without flavour, a tasteless abomination.     

I once had a cold chicken noodle soup thing in North Korea which consisted of cold brown liquid with the WHOLE chicken laid across the bowl. Was a delicacy and highly prized. The chicken looked like it had fallen in the soup and drowned. It was not great.

Agree on cottage cheese.

blue cheese is lovely.

most sausages are vile.

I was listening to a really interesting History Extra podcast about food history and it was saying how utterly bland modern food is cf how it was spiced and flavoured in the past. 

Pineapple as a meat tenderiser works very well 

have shared this tip before but, chop one up (take leafs off but keep skin), chuck it in a blender and make it into a soup

pour into bowl and dump your meat (probably only worth it with steak) in it for no more than 40-45 mins, rinse, pat dry, cook

Andouillette - I had to Google it the last time it came up. Why are we still talking about this particular abomination? It makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. 

Sea urchin



You get much more umami (mono sodium glutamate) in parmesan than you do in stilton

MSG is not the same thing as umami. Classic food myth. Msg does occur naturally in most cheese though and enhances umami flavour.


The OP is the single wrongest thing ever posted on ROF. Nurses called.

Wouldn’t call it an abomination, but I had abalone last week for the first time I can remember, and how the fook is that considered a delicacy srsly. It has the consistency of calmari but tastes really squishy. What’s the point 

Remarkably, nobody has yet managed to name a food I have actually tried that I dislike.

Ive no idea what andouillette is.

Things I don’t especially like although they don’t disgust me:

- thick crust pie pastry, congratulations you have encased your nice beef stew in cardboard, well done. NB DOES NOT APPLY TO COLD PORK PIES.

- things that combine bread or pastry with chocolate

- aubergine unless fried until it’s soggy as fook and heavily spiced. particularly aubergine in large pieces

Kudeyarov01 Sep 21 11:56

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A Russian dish, called Kholodets, is the vilest thing I have ever eaten. Served as a New Year's 'treat', it typically bits of fish in cold aspic. It is a shivering jelly without flavour, a tasteless abomination.     


I had something similar in China.  Jellyfish encased in jelly.  No flavour.  Jellyfish surprisingly tough.  A plate of stinking, aged tofu on the side.  I'm not a fussy eater at all, but I could see no redeeming features to this dish.

I'm afraid to say I'm an andouillette lover. Sadly unavailable where I am. 

I do not like berries combined with chocolate though. In particular, chocolate coated strawberries need to go.