'Food shortages' in the supermarket

Is this supposed to be a thing still?

Tbf there were no leeks yesterday. Went to the greengrocer instead.

😂 i am a proud remoaner m7, i remoan and remoan and frankly it’s getting more enjoyable by the day given how right us proud remoaners r being repeatedly and indisputably proven right

Dux doing his bit for the dead cat party 

It’s petrol today - have you filled up?

But yes there are food shortages or, more accurately, supermarket stock issues. As everyone on here has noted. 

And what do you think caused them?

Rex Kwon Do26 Sep 21 11:48 ReplyReport

You should be pleased delphi. Since it's apparently chaos out there, at the next election the Tories will be obliterated and the public will demand our immediate and full-scale reentry into the EU.

i am pleased! and if that happens i will deffo be more than pleased! altho the degree of pleasure may well depend on who obliter7s them, cos the current labour incarnation r not that much better

Costa didn’t have any croissants this morning. I’m getting ready to go onto the streets to riot and loot. Just as soon as I finish the muffin they gave me as a substitute. 

Ahh I see the tozza talking points are in for the day. 

If brexit is so brilliant why are its proponents always on the back foot? 

No benefits delivered and a large contributing part in almost everything going wrong right now.

We've even been smashed by most EU countries in the vax race. The one thing you losers had left.

The joke about this is there’s nowhere for the nationalism that comes out of this helplessness to go. Brexit was supposedly the revenge of the powerless. Who can we pick a fight with now? BRITAIN IS A TOTAL FVCKING JOKE

the funny thing is brexit britain is now used as a warning by other countries - eg scholz citing us as a country which voted against its own interests. it’s basically an indisputable fact now

Dux isn't wrong tbf tbf

wagw stagnation has been in part possible because low paid jobs have been largely filled  by people who came to the U.K. from Eastern Europe, to live in HMOs while sending their money home where it buys a fvck ton more than here

I read food prices in the UK are going up by 5% in the next month

By end of 2022 food prices will have gone up nearly 20% to their current prices

But you are earning the same

Being taxed more for national insurance

Whilst your property prices increase

You are all doomed

‘because low paid jobs have been largely filled  by people who came to the U.K. from Eastern Europe, to live in HMOs while sending their money home where it buys a fvck ton more than here‘

Probably should have had a plan to replace those people then. But it’s clear by now it would have been a disaster either way.

no, dubai pays associates london or us market rate

but cost of living is generally about the same and it's no tax

and the salary actually works out about 10% higher because you convert savings to pounds when pounds is low; in 6 months when the dollar does better, you convert and make another 10-30k

Not true across market. Obviously I can't speak for every team and every firm, but that's not the case generally.

You must be talking about a particular MC construction team or something.

The most ridiculous pro-Brexit argument at the moment is that this is smashing news as it will drive up wages and give jobs to British people. Quite frankly as an advanced economy crap jobs should be beneath an intelligent and highly skilled population. Also obviously absent money printing where is the cash coming from to pay the top ups? Presumably from the amazing productivity and rise in real wages as a result that this govt has overseen. Oh wait. 

The idea that the UK has "an intelligent and highly skilled population" is laughable

There are about 7 million in London, 50% are probably supposed to be foreign, but I reckon, it's probably closer to 60. Most of the 7 million could pass the Turing test.

But absolutely not of anyone else. The Welsh. People from Nottingham. Bradford. Have you met any of these people? The people who can put sentences together come to London. The rest rot.

Honestly, there's an argument for euthanasia or at least let them die out by not paying for all their healthcare and food.

You get growth via more inputs (foreign labour) or higher productivity growth. Since the early nineties we relied on the first. Not hard to understand the shit was going to hit the fan with brexit unless something radically changed on productivity growth.

36000 HGV test/licence applications missed during Covid. but sure let's blame ALL on Brexit 


So assuming those who missed their tests because of Covid all passed, we're just 64000 short!




Which has been clearly demonstrated comes from drivers retiring. The HGV workforce is an aging ones and this shortage has been predicated for years. 

The government could make targeted interventions like preventing insurers having a minimum age limit of 25 or older, for example, to get younger drivers on the road. 

"The HGV workforce is an aging ones and this shortage has been predicated for years."

this is true crypto, but are we better or worse placed to deal with that shortage following brexit?

“The screaming from remoaners about food shortages isn't really landing with the public, yet.”

Nope! Dream on, dreamer. The public are everywhere and every while up in arms about this and they know your petty Brexit is to blame.

Remainers were right. We told you Brexit would be a necrophiliac shit bath, and it is.

Think Laz might be right here. Not as much public debate on it as one would expect (ofc Labour have decided that they must never mention Brexit ever again and will probably be a year or so too late to reverse that policy) - but deep down most people know.

The reality is becoming undeniable. And a sizeable number of Brexiters/Indifferents will be thinking - ‘yeah weve been sold a total shitstorm and this govt is all over the place.’

Unless they get a grip on this very quickly those votes could well dissappear for the Tories.

Although infinitely preferable to the tozzas, it does feel like labour are completely bungling the opportunity here by tweaking their leadership rules instead of, you know, hammering the useless blue wasters for turning the country into Mad Max land.

Pull your fingers out and get hammering.

Most Brexiteers are still in denial - as time progresses and that denial becomes harder and harder to sustain that will turn to anger at the lies they were told.  Then the worst government in two centuries - by a country mile - will be history

The average Brit hates the EU and forrins more than they hate a bit of disruption. In fact, it validates their choice. That’s the fvcked up logic these tories will deploy. And no, there isn’t a softer version of this government available. The message from the 1922 and central office to the shires is do what we say or you’ll let the other lot in. Always has been, always will be. 

Putting it bluntly there is an economic underclass that will never amount to anything. Is there any more depressing indication of a state of a country than "sorry graduates, you need to learn to drive an HGV as we are on a war footing?" The Germans have realised for a long time that immigration is the only answer if your fertility rate is at western European levels. Even someone with a modicum of intelligence and capable of driving would opt for Uber instead of HGVs. 

This is all part of the Brexiteer weren't the 1950s smashing vision. Salt of the earth jobs for good honest Brits. Sorry mate, try reading Economics 101 by Hubert D fookwit. You need to be raping colonies for earnings or operating an entirely closed economy for that to work anymore. What's also being lost in this is that Tory govts have been in the pockets of the road transport lobby for years, hence:

- more money for road than rail freight; and

- unpriced externalities aplenty in allowing HGVs to clog roads in rush hour, block small City streets, wear out road infrastructure, pollute the environment etc etc. 


Rex, people may not care about what was said in 2016 but they do care about not being able to fill up their cars, rampant inflation and goods not arriving in shops.  They will also care when they see us get poorer and poorer compared to other western european economies, which is what led us to beg to join in the first place.

and because I could afford to be 


Christ on a hover donkey.  All those low-income people who couldn't afford to vote for remain :nono: and are now reaping the rewards of a good hard brexiting.

I had to ignore that one threeeps, it was just too weird to get into the details of why poor people couldn't afford to vote remain. It's like clicking on a phishing email out of curiosity and then being disappointed when it turns out to be another boring 419 scam.

Even if one accepts that lack of foreign labour is the principal factor behind the fuel crisis (and the alleged "food shortages"), that's not the fault of Brexit per se.

There were plenty of Brexiteers like me who favoured higher immigration from E Europe. We're not all protectionist anti-immigration types. 

No FF. The equivalent is just Roger saying it is a bit chilly out today (it is) and you jumping in to criticise him for remarking on that fact.

I don't see him claiming that his lack of shortages means there are no shortages (which would be daft).

I am saying that i have been to probably 10 shops since the shortages "started", I have yet to notice it. That is my personal experience, i make no further comments.

I have seen many many fookwits cause a fuel shortage though


Actually last week i had to buy fresh spinach instead of frozen #prayforroger

"I have seen many many fookwits cause a fuel shortage though"

And there we have it, there actually is somebody so stupid on rof they are buying the government line (that even they are now having to row back from) that this is all the fault of people wanting to ensure they have fuel for their cars to run. Wow.  Just wow.

I was inclined to blame the EU and the French for the fuel crisis until the government told me that it is my fault for causing the crisis as I filled in in order to go to work. 

Stupid me. 

So you don't think people filling up 5 jerry cans in addition to their car in any way contributed to the problems, Guy? You think they were just trying to ensure that they had enough for their cars to run and have no blame here.

It's odd becuase during the early days of lockdown when people were panic buying loo paper, the consensus seemed to be that they were being selfish and stupid and created the shortages which would otherwise not have happened. What has changed?

"So you don't think people filling up 5 jerry cans in addition to their car in any way contributed to the problems, Guy?" 

No I imagine the amount of fuel purchased and stored in jerry cans is so tiny as to be utterly insignificant to current shortages.

people in my area are panic buying bog and kitchen roll. I have seen untold people filling up shopping trolleys to the brim. 4 supermarkets later I found both. This is all going to get so much worse.

there may well have been a temp blip for some stations, but morons filling cars up unequivocally created the bigger issue.

bloke on radio said he normally gets two tankers a week, is now getting 2 a day!

my local filled up yesterday afternoon as I popped in for milk. it has now run out, I drove past it at 12. so yes panic buyers are causing this.

guy, you seem so utterly full of insecurity. chill.

"You imagine quite a lot of thinks off the top of your head, don't you - and you are quite often completely incorrect."

Interesting, so do you think the odd nutcase filling up jerry cans is causing or significantly contributing to the fuel crisis or not?  Do you think they are?  I suspect rof will judge you as to whether you are totally nuts or not, on your answer.

If it is just panic buying then it has a limit, because once people have a full tank most won't need to buy any more fuel for some time. Meantime the petrol stations can restock 

he will cope easily, but he is saying I am likely incorrect in opining that people filling up jerry cans is not the problem here.  That position is quite clearly born of stupidity or madness.

There were some shortages and closures in a localised handful of stations, then the story hit the media and everybody rushed to the pumps causing fuel to run out everywhere. I am not saying that is irrational - I agree with Heff that it is the logic of these things that it becomes self-perpetuating and not helped by lack of confidence in the government. I don't think everyone running around like headless chickens getting increasingly irate is particularly helpful but it's par for the course.