Petrol chaos 


Saw a similar situation brew yesterday when I was on my morning run. Van guy lost his shit at a guy on a motorbike coming from the other direction not alternating entry to the forecourt. He got out was shoving and squaring up, but then I guess it's hard to win a fist fight with someone in a crash helmet, so he got back in his van and settled for bawling swearwords. 

It’s crazy busy everywhere. Queues backing up to the main roads at 8pm last night. 
Something is stirred, deep within the British loins, by the sight of a queue.

Yeah, but the panic buying shows a deep-seated mistrust of our government. If Boris said we had adequate supplies of fresh air, with 12 hrs there'd be punch-up in the Tupperware aisle as people demand extra containers. 

Are we all going to be asked to wfh again because the tozzas can't keep petrol stations running? If there is no supply shortage and it's just logistics then get the army in.

Think they're gonna let EU truckers come here and work like demons for 3 months solid, without their families and friends, to save our Christmas. I'm sure they'll do that. 

None around here - went to 3 yesterday at 8am and today went to one at 7am. I was almost out when this crisis hit so that's the problem and not being rich enough to live in inner London options rich people there have are not available out here.

The media has headlines saying there is going to be a petrol shortage. Three days later there is one. The media says See, we told you so. Not that we largely caused it or anything.

Err BP and Esso had to close forecourts because of lack of supply. The media reported it. People then started panic buying because of shortages. This has exacerbated the problem but not caused it. The cause is largely brexit.

If you are saying the media shouldn't report the news that's a different story.

There is absolutely a shortage in central London.

I've just been to the old girls house and all 4 petrol stations I went passed were empty.

I assume there is no deliveries on a Sunday anyway so likely to get worse until tomorrow?

Get the army involved. They have nothing else to do. But who would train to be a lorry driver nowadays? You know that within 5 years the majority of HGVs will be driven by AI. It’ll all be done in the middle of the night too and will be great for the rest of us, but not so good for lorry drivers.

The reports say the UK needs 100,000 HGV drivers. 


The army has 2000 HGV drivers. And it probably needs a few of them for army stuff, and not all of them are in the UK. 

HGV drivers have to have an additional qualification to deliver fuel and other hazardous products. You can't just get any old HGV driver to do it 

Despite brexit we had enough suitably qualified drivers last week, this does seem to be a run on the bank style panic 

This is true jelly, but the 2000 army drivers could just lurch from crisis to crisis, playing shortage whackamole. Today, get petrol sorted. Next week, oh no pumpkins! November, there's a run on fireworks ffs, get the army in. December, holy shit turkeys and toys are scarce. 

None of this stuff is predictable so we just have to take each Tory fook up on the chin. And elsewhere on the face.

It's really interesting watching people ageing and getting more right wing in real time. What's going on here is a political failure of epic proportions but middle aged lefties who are doing alright are barely raising an eyebrow.

How’s it a “political failure” that the media over sensationalised a BP press release? There was no issue with petrol supplies last week nor is there any real issue now, it’s just morons panic buying. 

Financial Times reporting between 50 and 85% of filling stations are empty. I guess some places are running behind the trend. Hopefully they'll catch up soon. 

"Remember when something similar happened under Blair? Nope."

I remember fuel shortages in 2000 and having to choose whether to go to a friends wedding reception because we might not make it back, yes 

How’s it a “political failure” that the media over sensationalised a BP press release? 

Why are we suddenly greenlighting thousands of emergency visas if there isn't a structural issue? Ditto calling up the army? 

People are on a hair trigger because of the past 18 months. Plus this shitshow government has totally legitimised selfishness and uncertainty. And it’s on the back of food shortages. Yes the media are shit, but that’s not news ;)

If you infantilise the populace this is what happens. 

The haulage companies replaced British drivers with Latvian drivers and are now amazed that Brexit means they have to pay a living wage. So they blame the Government.

Lollers. Form a square around the tozzas. As if it's their job to predict and plan for this consequence of their policies? They are the real victims here when you think about it.

The RHA and it’s members knew we voted to take back control in 2016. They had plenty of time to start getting British drivers into lorries but chose not to. It would it surprise me if the RHA was controlled by remainiacs and Labour supporters. 

The IR35 changes are also impacting supplies of “self employed” lorry drivers. Like a sewage junction with shit coming from many different directions. 

Just went to get some diesel for Mrs G. Gave it large including flicking the Vs at someone who pushed in (from the safety of the car) then chortled as they pulled up to a pump at the front that turned out not to have whatever they were after meaning they had to pull out the front and go back and queue again. 

The IR35 changes are also impacting supplies of “self employed” lorry drivers

🤣🤣 This is great keep going. Who decided to go ahead with the new ir35 rules in April? I just want to know who to blame. Was it labour? Maybe Change UK?

Aww this is better than TV. The tozza club is launching shit into the fan and taking gobfuls of the excretia flying back at them in the hope that one spec falls on someone else. So far not working, but please keep going!

I was in Chelsea this afternoon and only say 1 filling station with fuel; the Tesco Esso just after Chelsea & West Hospital - there was a queue of about 25 cars either side of the entrance.  There were a number of muscle cars in the queue; Bentleys and Range Rovers; Chelsea types innit.  Bet that filling station will be empty very shortly.