He ‘broke down’ and is in therapy and ‘constant anxiety’
Grouville St. Mary 23 Jan 22 07:05
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Because he was called a ‘snake’ and a ‘clown’. 

my god  I doubt putin’s got anything to worry about from the west



whataboutery is only a fallacy when it’s invalid

ur accusing this guy of, well, unclear - being pathetic i suppose

i am pointing out ur atrocious double standards (as well as still 😂😂😂 at u massively 4 crying about being “bullied” on rof). words on screen…

Tbf TOOD I don’t think Risky thought you were bullying him - his accusation iirc was you were bullying others. Risky is many things but I wouldn’t describe him as a snowflake.

ok i will rephrase - the tu quoque fallacy only applies if the hypocrisy doesn’t go 2 the substance of the point in q

thick ppl like u love 2 use buzzphrazes written by other ppl, without knowing wot they mean. this is a perfect example. u stupidly though “awrrrh harrr! some1 else used whataboutery at me and i got pwned, so i will use it!!”, without realising that u don’t really understand wot it means or y it is a fallacy

canary m7, risky is massive snowflake

he quit the board and pretended 2 go on holiday when tmexpm lost her maj in 2017. he’s a complete melt. note that wasn’t even his defence here

dude u have got 2 stop being such a snowflake when some1 points out that u have been a plum

if u want ppl 2 stop doing that, a good start might b not continuing 2 b a plum and posting shit

or a “🤡” in ur language. there is no right 2 freedom from being called out for toolbaggishness

my god  I doubt putin’s got anything to worry about from the west

Heh. Yeah we’re going to be defending Ukraine with a battalion of failed reality show contestants 

I would imagine that one or two of the contestants are deeply unpleasant aunts behind closed doors and if someone is an aunt then it’s like boarding school where there’s no escaping them.