Does your office have ladies and gents toilets or gender neutral toilets?

One of my regional offices has converted the rows of stalls into gender neutral, so you can be in one next to a man while you or he is having a poo.

And tbh this means I will never be using the toilets in that office.

WFH 4eva

One of my regional offices has converted the rows of stalls into gender neutral, so you can be in one next to a man while you or he is having a poo.

i’m sorry even without the trans debate - how on earth could anyone give even the tiniest fvck about this?

Because I'm uncomfortable being next to a man who is defecating

It's gross

I was raised to be more comfortable in single sex environments for the exercise of private bodily functions

If you don't feel the same way, I guess I think you lack boundaries in an unhealthy way

There is nothing more red flag than calling someone else's personal boundaries "a bit mad".

it’s not a personal boundary

its going to the bathroom next to an anonymous person who may be a man or a woman and who you probably won’t even see

and you’re refusing to use the toilet over it

so no women ever poo at work for fear of being heard? OK

the noise of a poo must be the same regardless of sex and actually if you talk to cleaners they will tell you that women are generally more gross in that regard

For one thing absolutely no women would sit in a stall within earshot of her colleagues and defecate 

no one does this 

presumably you mean male colleagues ms radlett?

no woman has ever defecated in a unisex toilet?

“absolutely no woman”?

this is not a thread about trans issues

its about how clergs refuses to use the toilet (for any reason) because there is a potential a man might pop next to her (but not a woman, which would presumably be fine)

It's not an autocorrect that makes any sense tho does it 

unless piers and maffew obe think transsexuals are all transphobes. Which some at the wilder end of TRA activism think, but it's an extreme view

One of my regional offices has converted the rows of stalls into gender neutral, so you can be in one next to a man while you or he is having a poo.

Isn't this illegal?

I thought unisex toilets had to be individual enclosed rooms, not cubicles.

Roger - it's stalls like you get in the gents, the only difference is no urinals. 

So you're walking along chatting with a female colleague or client, both need the loo, both head in to hear each other urinate. Maybe the rustle of her unwrapping a tampon.

I am uncomfortable with that idea.

I would not be uncomfortable with another woman in the same way.

Chill, if you can't understand why a woman might not feel comfortable having a poo with only a cubicle wall separating her from men, can you understand why she might not want to have a miscarriage with only a cubicle door separating her from men?

Because I have had two miscarriages in work toilets.

LP there is no point attempting to reason with chill or invoke the sexed differences which mean this matters. That wood require empathy and chill doesn't have any. Not for you or women like you, anyway 

FFS just leave the loos as they were M/F , it has worked for ever FFS. If i desperatley need a crap, which is so rare, I use a pub loo.That said my male friends swear by crapping at the work loo as opposed to home. Don't shit on your own door step and that....

anna i have used (and currently use) unisex toilets in the uk. they’re completely standard in san fran and washington dc 

i would imagine having a miscarriage in a work toilet would be incredibly traumatic wherever you are and no matter who’s around you and i’m sorry that happened to you ❤️


That wood require empathy and chill doesn't have any.

tbf ms radlett this kind of dig would have more weight a couple weeks ago before thuggy popped up again confirming how much of a gigantic aggressive bellend he is and reminding everyone you married him

i would imagine having a miscarriage in a work toilet would be incredibly traumatic wherever you are and no matter who’s around you and i’m sorry that happened to you

It would have been 1000000% more traumatic if I had had to use a unisex toilet.

It is notable that this thread is full of men saying they don't see the issue with unisex toilets and yet not a single woman has said they are comfortable with it.

Shouldn't that tell you something?

Even on the more mundane end of the scale, I have retreated to the ladies to have a cry when shitty (but not as serious as a miscarriage) things have happened. 

Good point. Crying in the toilets is humiliating enough even when there are only other women around.

‘P’n’’m are women haters. Good to know.’

The owners ‘hate women’ because they won’t allow a transphobic slur on the discussion board? 😂😂😂 Ok ok.


It would have been 1000000% more traumatic if I had had to use a unisex toilet.

It is notable that this thread is full of men saying they don't see the issue with unisex toilets and yet not a single woman has said they are comfortable with it.

Shouldn't that tell you something?

sure it tells me a lot

though i think what i’m hearing is a lot of stuff about gender roles and how women are supposed to behave in society vs men, and not what you think i’m hearing 

sure it tells me a lot

though i think what i’m hearing is a lot of stuff about gender roles and how women are supposed to behave in society vs men, and not what you think i’m hearing 

If it's not telling you that you need to start understanding and respecting women's boundaries then you aren't paying attention.



(to be clear - the above was re: clergs and judo and my initial conversation and the “i can’t poo” stuff

again anna can’t imagine how it must have been for you and my heart goes out to you for that)

Even better, I could start identifying as a man and then next time I want a baby I can do the jizzing into the other person part, rather than the panicked checking my knickers for blood every time I use the toilet and being traumatised by ultrasounds part.

Or is that not how this works?