Boris holding on

as his delayed wedding reception is due to be at Chequers and invitations already sent out reports Bloomberg 

I suspect it wouldn't be as simple as the new PM being OK with it, the rules around the use of Chequers will be absolutely byzantine I am sure. 

Some tory donor or maybe even the Queen could offer up somewhere equally spectacular though... 

I don’t think it’s a question of him making her happy - this is fat Alex we’re talking about and there’s only one person’s happiness that really concerns him.

It is all about her not making his life a misery if she doesn’t get what she wants.

Her presence has overshadowed nothing.  He wanted to be the king of the world, but was also a lazy, lying, narcissist.  His behaviour as PM is entirely consistent with the rest of his life. He could have been single or married to Mother Teresa and he still would have done the same thing.

Carrie's an easy target - a bit like Anne Boleyn/Marie Antoinette/Tsarina Alexandra.  High visibility thanks to her age/manner in which her relationship with Boris commenced, and probably too keen to advance her friends.  But the reality is that Boris is Boris ie. a lazy lying khunt with the morals of an alley cat. 

If it wasn't Carrie in no. 10 it would have been Jennifer Arcuri or some other paramour of the World King.  

Right wing telly in America plus telegraph column probably. Coin it in on the US uni lecture circuit.

not sure who these people are who are willing to cough up £300k to hear our worst ever PM speak but I’m assured they exist