Plant based diet

I am seriously thinking about changing my diet to plant based.  I have never been a fan of any meat and would happily never eat meat again.  Anyone done this?

Went full veggie six months. Found it was fine when cooking but going to restaurants was absolutely gash. So I switched to being veggie at home but eating meat when I go out. 

by "plant based" do you mean vegan, so no eggs/dairy?  That would take more planning than being vegetarian. 

I haven't eaten meat since 1997 but I do eat eggs/cheese/yoghurt. 

Kimmy - i will eat cheese.  I love cheese.  I just would prefer not to eat meat.  Simply because I don't really like it.

Pancakes - I love vegetarian food.  All of it.

My main reason for wanting to change my diet is my lifelong dislike of meat.  

Why I haven't done this before is beyond me.

If you don't like meat just don't eat it??  So it wouldn't really be a plant based diet aka vegan but vegetarian?  I love meat but love animals so went veggie at Uni.  Ended up in hospital with severe anaemia.  Turns out I don't like veg at all so lived off noodles and potato based items...  I'd love to be vegan for the animals but unfortunately I am too damn fussy with food.  Go for it.  So many options around now.  Vegan cheese is rank though.

I now eat vegetarian and I've never felt better. I would 100% recommend it.

The evidence in favour of a balanced plant based diet is overwhelming. Vegans (and to a lesser extent vegetarians) live significantly longer, get significantly less heart disease and significantly less cancer than your average person. 

However, healthy plant based beating is a bit more complicated than just doing meat based recipes without the meat. You need to do different recipes and avoid becoming someone who just has cheese and potatoes. Thankfully there are lots of fantastic vegetarian cookbooks with all manner of ridiculously tasty dishes - try an Anna Jones book, or even the Hairy Bikers Veg book.


Reminds me of a clip of some dimwit American when they were asking about this. 'Hell no, he replied tucking iro a steak. Next they'll be making us drink plant based beer'...

but I am concerned about the rise of crap vegan/vegetarian ultra processed gunk, like fake meat/cheese etc

I have never bought or eaten any of this stuff.  It became much more prevalent when being vegan became a "thing". I don't understand the logic of it - I don't want to eat meat so will instead eat some highly processed pretendy meat? No thanks. 

Go for it, old grumpy.  It'll probably be much easier than you think.  I have had no cravings for meat at all since I stopped eating it.  

Eating out can be a bit annoying, but hey ho. 

Thanks, Kimmy.  I am going to do this rather than just thinking about it.  I don't like meat and I don't eat processed food.  So, I am hoping that it will be an easy change in diet for me.  

Sure a life long meat eater will have to swot up on food combinations that provide all that meat does but vegetarianism is very possible and healthy so long as you avoid supermarket processed food. Vegan? Hmm. So fashionable and so much ignorance..that would take a LOT of swatting up.

Like pancakes we eat much less meat at home these days. I wouldnt give up fish though, so easy.

OG - dont fall into the trap of eating too much pasta, loads of friends have done that, leads to weight gain and fatigue.

When I saw a cardiologist recently for screening for something he asked me how often I eat junk food, when I said never he flat out didnt believe me, “Don’t you ever order in??” He was in his early thirties 🙄

Minkie - thank you.  I don't plan to stop eating fish but want to live on mainly vegetables.   I don't eat a lot of pasta but I really don't like meat.  I do, however, love bread.

i have already had aortic valve replacement (a hereditory heart fault).  I have never been overweight in my life and I can't see that changing.  That's me. I don't eat junk food either.  I hate the stuff.

I can't live without meat.

With wines to match, when my budget permits.

If meat was banned, I'd start a revolution, like the French did over bread.

If only veg was available I'd puke more than I could eat and would move to France or Germany.