England FA cancelling our national flag


No doubt there is some DEI message in this craven nonsense. 

Boycott the £124.99 shirt...!

Marshall Hall 21 Mar 24 15:14

No doubt there is some DEI message in this craven nonsense. 


not sure it is craven

it might be stupid - or they might just be trying to move away from the far right connotations that dog the St George's cross

have they said why they did this? Is it trying to incorporate the lions bade colours into the flag? I can't believe NIke just turned up with a truck load of kit that wasn't approved in advance by the FA

Not exactly Tom.

But clearly it has support  from  the fey simps like your good-self who are embarrassed at our country. 

But you adore your Middle East overlords...

I genuinely don't get the colours. Dark blue, light blue and pink? Is there a reference I'm missing? 

It looks like a very corporate changing the colours to make "a statement" but also making sure the colours chosen don't actually say anything specific that anyone can latch onto. 

More good news from this. Lee Anderson says:

'This virtue signalling, namby-pamby, pearl-clutching woke nonsense must stop. Any more of this and I'll be on the first flight to Rwanda.'

Fingers crossed a woke cricket kit is due out soon. 

blindtom21 Mar 24 15:59

What rages me most about this is that the shirt is £125


wait what? are you a rangers fan now? 

I'm with Tom.  Not bothered about what they've done to the flat but £125 for a replica kit?  You buy a full on gore-tex replica of the jacket worn by your favourite America's Cup team for that kind of money and it's more useful.

Well look I’m not going to buy it either way at that price. 

Doesn’t stop me being highly amused by the Joey Bartons/lozza foxes/amithsuckers/lee Anderson’s/marshall halls of this world getting triggered by it though. 

125 quid. fooking hell!

England is one of the few nations embarrassed by the national flag and that's a shame in my view.

It is w**k to change the flag regardless of the intent imo.

MIght go and see if JOey Barton is still alive tbf

If it upsets the lower-class yobbos, they types that stick flares up their jacksy, that don't wear their shirts in hot weather anyway, that's great.


I prefer that new logo; the St George's cross has long ago been a sign of far right nationalism.

The price is steep, though.

Maybe I could afford the little flag or tee instead with said logo.


As for the horizontal axis colours, they're more pink,purple, blue.

The vertical bar seems to be red, orange, yellow. 

A rainbowy cross. Yes, the Brexiters, the Gammons, the little Ingerlanders are livid.


England isn't worth the candle anyway. Impotent rage.


I’m a big football fan, I go to England games, men, women’s games. And the flag is used by everybody, it’s unifying, it doesn’t need to change.

300,000 more children in poverty and this is the sort of stuff Starmer is talking about.  Sometimes I think English people deserve to be getting poorer and poorer given their obsession with this sort of nonsense. 

Christ @ SecularJurist. Little more unpleasant than people revelling in small-minded, pathetic bigotry while imagining themselves to be enlightened. 

English players in the England kit are represented by the England flag. Any suggestion this isn’t true has traditionally been insidious racism and aggressively stamped out of English football on and off the pitch. People have gone to prison over this. 

To turn round and “psych lol actually the flag does need to be different to represent players except it’s good now” is a weird, incongruent choice.

I mean, it's not even rainbow colours, it's just shading or red to blue (I don't get why England end up playing in blue when they have a red and white flag but Mrs Sumo witters something about the lions being blue) it's not even some sort of inclusive gesture, it's literally just putting the kit colours into the flag (which nobody minds not being on a white background) 

I'd grab one quick, it'll become a collectors item if nike junk it 

Lee Anderson’s outrage was so great that he said:

“This virtue signalling, namby-pamby, pearl-clutching woke nonsense must stop. Any more of this and I’ll be on the first flight to Rwanda.”

I get that the alt right are trying to use the term ‘woke’ as a cloak so they can say how much they hate anyone different to them (especially LGBTQ people) but has anyone actually explained what is (((woke))) about this?


If you google ‘pride flags’ and take a look at the various options, the England kit seems to be repping the ‘butch lesbian’ flag.

Finally Harry Maguire gets some recognition.

I think it's weird to change the colours of a national flag on a national team shirt personally.

Just as weird as when Puma produced those god awful shirts for City and its other sponsored team that contained no badge at all. 

United have done something similar this year with just having the devil on the away kit. Also weird

As stated above, however, the only thing offensive about any of this is the price of football kits, especially in kid's sizes

It’s bizarre to change the colours of a country’s actual flag which is used as an identifier in a sporting competition. Mental tbh. Just put the random other colours on some other part of the shirt init.

There have been loads of England shirts which have dicked about with the flag. The only reason people are kicking off about this one is because it uses purple and they are so sensitive about "tHe WoKe pLaGuE" despite the use of purple here not being LGBT related. 

part of a wider issue, namely pr folk tinkering with perfectly good football jerseys and invariably ruining them.  pixellated fade outs etc.  MU jersey 1960s rules

Can anyone remind me what the Team GB 2012 kit looked like?  I am absolutely certain there was no artistic licence in representing the Union Jack. No siree!



If you google ‘pride flags’ and take a look at the various options, the England kit seems to be repping the ‘butch lesbian’ flag.

Is this a sign Anthony Gordon gets a start?

Only 1 that is remotely on point from what I can see. There was one that had 4 different coloured crosses on the collar.

For all of the others, the journo's appear to be suggesting that the use of a cross design in the actual pattern design of the kit (David James green goalkeeper jersey, for example) is the same. Which it obviously isn't.

I do applaud it being pointed out that innovative use of a cross design hasn't appeared to be a problem previously though.

Nike only changed the colours to be playful. The fact the colours selected represent are also adopted by the trans community is surely just a coincidence or else Nike would have said so 

300,000 more children in poverty and this is the sort of stuff Starmer is talking about.

sunak is talking about it too and he's the fking PM who has (along with his party) caused the poverty.  

sunak is talking about it too and he's the fking PM who has (along with his party) caused the poverty.  

I don't hold any torch for Sunak.  But is that really the best response to Starmer demonstrating that he's a low class white English soccer-obsessed chav whose focus are the same low IQ things that appeal to the parasitic white English chav class and pandering to their inflated egos and sense of entitlement that grows ever greater as they degeneracy increases?

I certainly don't view myself as an enlighted cosmopolitan. Perish the thought. 

Marshall, as long as I am living here and paying tax here I will give my views about the situation and I am just as entitled to as you are.  You're the real racist bigot for suggesting that because someone's not a native English person they cannot have views about these things, and that because what I say upsets you I should leave.  

In any case, I don't live in Doncaster, Blackpool or some other such place.  I live in central London among the metic class which is being bled dry financially to subsidise the rest of England.  After the chav classes in their hate and bitterness against people like me cried out during Brexit to use me as a bargaining chip they can learn to face the truth when someone tells it to them.


You've called me a racist Marshall because you cannot handle an "outsider" criticising anything.  And rather than engaging with reality, you lash out like a hater against the person delivering the criticism.

That's why the UK is becoming poorer and poorer and, in particular, native English people are becoming poorer at an even quicker rate.  Meanwhile, more and more of the higher paid roles are taken by immigrants or those from immigrant backgrounds, because their educational achievements are higher (white British children have the lowest educational achievement on average) and their work ethic is better.  

In response to the responses to Rob Cannon's post today at 18:57 I must admit that -even though I have become more left-wing as I get older, cannot afford to live where he lives (and am more skint than I was when I was 18), am a pro-Euro Master's degree holder and regard myself as socially liberal - find myself , without shame, somewhat agreeing with his comments.


On the minus side, it's not 'soccer' (despite the Latin origin of the term   'Association Football'), it's Football.

Not all footy fans are chavs, but deffo the Ingerland band definitely are. However, one needs a middle-class income to attend EPL matches or to hold a season ticket.

In Mr Cannon's mitigation, he did say, on 21st inst. @23:28, that Starmer was complaining about the new shirt when there are now 300,000 more children in poverty.


As Bentines said @ 08:10 today, the most offensive thing is the price. But cash-rich chavs won't buy it, whereas cash-rich liberals may do so. 


BTW, The German FootbalBund has agreed a deal with Nike to provide the kit for Die Mannschaft from 2017 as they have offered double that of their long-time sponsor, Adidas. Personally, I'm disappointed. I like the black, white and gold four-stars shirt. I've got one myself.

So there'll be more of a hoo-ha in Germany, replacing a German-made kit with an American one.

Plinka- plinka seems to rule the day.

David, the wind blows
The wind blows
Bits of your life away
Your friends all say
Where is our boy?
Ah, we've lost our boy
But they should know
Where you've gone
Because again and again you've explained

Weird one this, yes it's annoying all the right people and I largely don't give a tug, but I sort of understand some of the objections too. Perhaps the flag should be considered sacrosanct. 

Gone right to the top now, as well. Interesting. Surely getting pulled/changed now.

Mostly what Donny said though, find it thoroughly bizarre on Nike's part. Can't believe it got signed off.