It is 2012. Herbert Smith Freehills Senior Partner Jonathan Scott has called an emergency meeting with joint CEOs David Willis and Gavin Bell. There is a crisis. The firm is about to rebrand, but Charles Saatchi, who so impressed Dentons with his ideas, has not yet produced the new logo.

Finally, he arrives.

Jonathan Scott: Good afternoon Charles.

The lawyers struggle as Saatchi shakes them by the throats.

Scott: Stop it Charles. We’re supposed to be unveiling the new logo in two minutes. Do you have it?

Saatchi: I do. It embodies simplicity.

Scott: Fine.

Saatchi: Strength.

Scott: Great.

Saatchi: And superiority.

Scott: Perfect.

Saatchi: And a cat's sphincter.

Scott: Hang on-

Saatchi: Gents, say hello to your new logo.

Willis: Hello!

Bell snaps his pencil.

Scott: Good lord. It's a cat's arse. It's completely unacceptable.

Saatchi: I get it. You're not 'feline' it. Don't panic, I've got another option.

Bell snaps his other pencil.

Scott: Is it defecating Freehills?

Saatchi: Well-spotted. You're shitting on the Magic Circle.

Willis: Now that is actually very clever.

Scott: We cannot brand the firm with a cat's bumhole.

Willis: Absolutely right. It should be a human bottom. Someone in the firm. But how senior?

Scott: Saatchi, do you have anything else we can use.

Saatchi: I have a Damian Hirst sketch of a ringpiece from my collection, but it's just a preliminary study.

Bell snaps his last pencil.

: We’ll take it. We’ll say it's an eye. We might get away with this.

Bell: I need a pencil sharpener.

Saatchi: No problem, I've ordered 60,000 branded ones.

Scott: We're not paying.

Saatchi has a playful psychotic break and stuffs his fingers up everyone's noses. The relaunch is a great success.



Anonymous 13 September 13 03:01

I always thought Shakespeares' logo ( was inspired by the same source.. or the famous nipple-roundel-thingy revealed by Janet Jackson waldrobe-malfunction.