In 1908 Marie Marvingt was refused permission to cycle the Tour de France because she was female. So she did it anyway (on the same course, after the race) and completed the whole tour in a year when only 36 of 114 men managed the same.

Amidst all the current workplace sexism (see article about Law Soc President from 3rd November), we'd like to invite you to join Team Marie and celebrate the 110 year anniversary of Marie Marvingt proving her point.

Join Le Loop (an amateur version of the Tour de France) for 2 or more days of gorgeous, non-competitive cycling on the same roads as our Tour de France heroes, one week ahead of the pros.

It's definitely a challenge but an achievable one with the best support and camaraderie you'll find anywhere. If in doubt, check out Julia's talk at the Cycle Show (zoom to 11:25). She took up cycling this time last year and rode 2 Tour de France stages in July.



Anonymous 10 November 17 16:15

Amidst all the current workplace sexism...

...we decided to create a cycling event which excludes men because they are not women? Why can'

Anonymous 13 November 17 15:15

So... in an effort to combat sexism, you're promoting an event that seeks to exclude people on the basis of their sex. Classy.

Anonymous 13 November 17 16:58

Oh gosh, I think you've misunderstood. We're not excluding men at all - just encouraging women to join us.