Djoko case

In case anyone is interested, here is his submission to the court.


Some hapless trainee has probably been shouted at for the last 6 hours non-stop for the [Error! Bookmark not defined.] on Page 20.

(I am still not convinced that any of this is a reason to release him from quarantine. At most he could be exempted from vaccination.)

I did lol at that error Frank!

Seems to have a few points that the judge (who seems sympathetic asking if he could use some tennis courts in the hotel) might be able to use if he wants to find in Djoko's favour. But immigration appeals are quite hard to win I think.

That will be available tomorrow arvo. Interestingly (or not!) the exemption he is claiming sounds like it is supposed to be used where the person intends on being vaxxed asap. 

I hope he doesn’t.

I can’t help but suspect that the timing of his positive case suggests he got it deliberately as a way of getting into Australia without a vaccine.

Utter fooking disgrace.  

What's even wise than making a spectacle of someone who turned up on good faith, is claiming for one second that this is because "rules are rules" and everyone must be treated the same.

Anyone who genuinely believes a genuine international megastar is being held in immigration know simply because rules are rules is a fooking idiot.

I'm on the fence.

Obviously it's entirely implausible that a healthy man like Djoko has a genuine exemption. It's all a front for his anti-vaxx lunacy. On the other, the Australian authorities were disingenuous in initially indicating that he'd be allowed in. (Yes, I know this is partly a fight between Federal and State governments). 

Can both sides lose?

I’m not Coffee but I think a lot to do with the fact that this has - sadly for the Australian govt - now become a public issue and live international media circus, unlike all the other rich and famous people who were quietly allowed to ignore the rules meant for the little people, so they have to at least pretend to try and act like they’re treating Novak like everyone else. Also an element of punishing him for embarrassing them and kicking this controversy off, and for being just a bit too famous and too good at his job that they can’t just ignore him and shut him down 

"I'm on the fence.

Obviously it's entirely implausible that a healthy man like Djoko has a genuine exemption."

Come on Ducks, at least read into the case a little bit!

Medical exemptions include prior infection within past 6 months. Djoko says he has had such an infections. What's implausible about that?

Djoko applied for the visa exemption on 10 Dec (I believe - but may be +/-2 days)

Djoke claims he tested positive on 16 Dec. 

Photos of Djoke at a public appearance with lots of kids on 17 Dec. 



The truly disgusting thing about it is that they have now unearthed photos of him in public, without masks, presenting awards and such to children… on the very same dates that he is now claiming he had been diagnosed as COVID positive. 

So he absolutely knowingly exposed other people, including children, to COVID and didn’t tell anyone he was COVID positive while doing it. 

Any sympathy I may have had for his situation disappeared the instant I read that. 

"The truly disgusting thing about it is that they have now unearthed photos of him in public, without masks, presenting awards and such to children… on the very same dates that he is now claiming he had been diagnosed as COVID positive. "

He may not have known the outcome of the test on the day.

The date of the test is not necessarily the date on which one sees the result.

Good to see nobody is jumping to conclusions. 

Good to see "think of the children" being alluded to as well - as if Covid is of any serious danger to them.

He comes across as an utter khunt tbh. The fact he’s a world champion tennis player doesn’t surprise me. Above and beyond the law from a second world country, grifting away. Aussie was always going to get stuck Into him, having declared UDI from the world over covid. 

Yes exactly. He is either a total khunt who deliberately exposed others to covid or he lied about his +ve test. 

He's as much of a dickhead as Barry and Prince Andrew. Quite a feat.


He knew enough about how he felt to feel that he needed a PCR test. 

If you need a PCR test you are supposed to isolate until you get the results. 

Or at least you are in this country. 

RoF's vuvuzealots apparently.

Rof Royalty and Jellymonster are world-renowed experts in Serbian covid legislation and are typing their posts from a Belgrade-based boutique law firm where they practice. 

The exemption he was relying on relates to having "accute" covid. The govt says he showed no evidence that he had accute covid. 

I do love how the govt kinda says he wasn't tired during the interview as he came from Spain and it was afternoon to evening there. I was almost waiting for them to say "and he was in first class". 

The minister has so much discretion in immigration law so even if the judge revokes the visa cancellation, they could cancel it again quite easily. Still, it's gotta be political this decision. Find out soon I suppose.

After reading that submission it just confirms my view that everyone is a khunt here and has covered themselves in shit and then rolled around in it.  

Novak, Tennis Australia, the immigration dickheads and the Fed Govt. 

everyone ducking sucks. 


I suspect Tennis Australia basically told him what to do to get an ‘exemption’ … and never expected the fed govt to play hardball. 

I also suspect they severely overestimate Australian public support for tennis.. and underestimated the support for vaccination, lockdown and telling the non vaxxed to fook right off even if they are world No 1 tennis stars. 



I also suspect that Tennis Australia waited until the first few players slipped through the border on the same exemption before telling Novak to get on the plane. 

hence the rounding the other up and kicking them out too. 

The problem here was Novak has been too vocal about his anti vax status.. and then posted that photo of himself boarding in Dubai. 

That just gave Australian immigration officers 14 hours to plan on how to fook him up after the public outcry began. 

This is all entirely political and the Australian Government has to be seen to 'win'.  Notwithstanding the fact that everyone is going to come out of this smelling like sh1t, regardless of the outcome.  

"The exemption he was relying on relates to having "accute" covid. The govt says he showed no evidence that he had accute covid. "

Even the UK guidelines don't recommend having a vaccine within 30 days of having covid. 

The irresistible force of the world number 1 in one of the world's most tedious sports meets the immovable object of the government of the world's least entertaining right wing authoritarian shit-hole. 


what Pinkus said, with the added note that both said no.1 and the head of govt in question are complete khvnts

if there was ever a dispute that should end with both sides humiliated it is this one

Tennis Australia were told he would not be allowed in on the basis of that exemption by the Feds. I agree that I think they decided to wing it. 

Fair enough re no vaccination for a while after covid but the way he is relying on it doesn't quite fit the law. It is just for a delay to the vax and as the govt response says ""It is common ground that the applicant is unvaccinated". Lol. Too vocal about it and he has no intention of getting vaxxed.

Personally, once he was here, I would have let him in. Aussies look like idiots on this!

If that “Border security: nothing to declare” show have not captured this as a change from the Vietnamese migrants they normally shut in a room at the airport and question the seven network have really missed a trick. 

The PCR test sheet shows he was tested very early afternoon on 16th, and test result obtained by 8pm.  Not sure how they communicate results in Serbia, but he would likely have known before he did his unmasked public appearance on the 17th.  The guy is a danger to others, so not sure why the Aussies just gave up on this.


One more item to add to this timeline: On December 18th, two days after his purported positive PCR test on December 16th, Djokovic did a photoshoot with L’Equipe.



NEW: Novak Djokovic’s positive PCR test which he submitted to Melbourne court states that sample was taken and positive result returned on December 16, 7 hours apart. This means all those pictures of Djokovic maskless with kids on the 17th came AFTER his positive Covid result.

is the exemption based on a +ve PCR test, whether or not the tester was actually ill - and what are the chances of a false +ve?  I know ND is superhuman but if he had covid in mid-december you'd think it unlikely he'd be fit enough to play in a grand slam event less than a month later.  Given the confidence with which he went about his business after the +ve test, along with various other factors, I'm suspicious that the test result was genuine.  

His wife also has social media posts of them on a hot sandy beach at Christmas.  Where were they travelling to with Djokovic in the aftermath of a positive PCR test?


I wonder whether the Aus government can have him arrested under the Guy's An Absolute Fvcking Drongo Act 1987? 

I'm intrigued that he apparently managed to apply for the exemption on the basis he'd had covid a week before he actually had covid.  Reckon he's going to apply for exemptions for all the majors on the basis that he's had it just before the tournament?

How has he been able to pass a PCR test to travel so soon after having Covid? 

I know quite a few people who have failed their PCR two months later. It's well known for picking up remnants of Covid and providing a positive test even three or four months after infection

Lots of people have tested positive without knowing they are unwell. An elite athlete in prime health is the most likely to be in that group. 

We have no idea about Serbian testing rules, how often he tests, or how good the lab is. Saying it is a fake test result seems to be a bit of a stretch. 

Crypto the issue for me is making an application on the basis you've had covid a week before you actually had covid...

Sh*t I've told them I had covid but haven't had a positive test so better phone Dr. Lionel Hutz.

but he was extremely likely to know the result when he did his public appearance on the 17th, and certain to know the result when he did his photo shoot on the 18th.  The man is a fooking menace.

We have no idea about Serbian testing rules, how often he tests, or how good the lab is. Saying it is a fake test result seems to be a bit of a stretch. 

I'm not saying it is fake, crypto, I'm saying I'm suspicious that it might be.  The guy needs to have had covid in order to play in the Aus open despite being spectacularly fit and healthy and - voila! - he has it just in the nick of time.  And then proceeds to expose a host of others to the virus. 

We have no idea about Serbian testing rules, how often he tests, or how good the lab is. Saying it is a fake test result seems to be a bit of a stretch. 

What's worse, faking a test or getting a genuine positive result then going to a photoshoot, doing an event with a load of kids and going on holiday?  

Does he risk a criminal prosecution for lying about his status while travelling abroad, and or locally (as if) for being out and about while knowingly positive? 

Where was the l'Equipe shoot? Could the frogs have a pop?

Anyway, wasn't the real issue more about quarantine free access, so he could play? Presumably the commonwealth could simply say he still needed to complete his 14 days?

"I know ND is superhuman but if he had covid in mid-december you'd think it unlikely he'd be fit enough to play in a grand slam event less than a month later.  Given the confidence with which he went about his business after the +ve test, along with various other factors, I'm suspicious that the test result was genuine."

The second part is fair enough. But the first part is bollocks - a huge proportion of 30 yr old are symptomless. Of course he'd still play - wouldn't affect your fitness at all and he's desperate for one more slam.

Also the idea that he would have had a false positive from a PCR if he'd had it in December... that's a low risk not something that happens reliably.

The guy is a total cant but so many straws being grasped here.

ok re false +ve, just considering all avenues. Anyway, was positing that he might not have had covid but had received a +ve test result.  The timing of his catching the virus seems convenient and his behaviour immediately afterwards seems inconsistent with having it.       

Absolute state of vuvuzealots ITT.


Imagine arresting someone because they might have infected someone with a MILD COLD in a DIFFERENT COUNTRY. 

I don't really care if he's had covid and then coughed into the face of a child or not. I think the Ozzies should boot him out because it would be the funniest outcome. The next funniest being him winning the tournament amidst a chorus of boos with being knocked out by a total nobody in the first round a close third.


Folks, it gets fishier.  Djokovic’s presented positive Covid test from December 16 (confirmation code 7371999-259039) comes with a QR code on it. When you scan that QR code (and you can try yourself), it takes you to a website showing that test was *negative*, not positive. 🤷





And now I *just* tried it again and it says the opposite thing for the same test: positive. Who is messing with this website?


1:13 PM · Jan 10, 2022

They really want him gone don’t they ? Big investigation as to whether he lied about travelling and his whereabouts for 3 weeks prior to landing in Aus. Don’t bother with an investigation, it’s clear he has been all over the place and lied on his forms .

I agree Barry, he should be given a bye through the first two rounds to make up for being shamed by the Australian communist government and missing so much preparation time. 

When will the woke learn? They will never win.

Oh no oh no he ticked that box instead of the other one even though the outcome would have been the same.

Have you also heard he INFECTED CHILDREN WITH A COLD!?


State of you. 

It is looking as though he did lie to immigration but what are Aus going to do? They have 3 days left including any hearing to get the evidence together and I don't think they can prove it yet. 

I still don't think ND has done anything morally wrong though (as opposed to legally wrong). If he wanted to play and didn't want the vaccine then he had to lie (about the positive pcr) because Aus laws are so completely draconian and disproportionate. 

Perhaps he should have lied in a cleverer way, not gone on holiday or posted photos etc, but he had to lie. 

Looks like Novax might be fined or even jailed for breaking Serbian quarantine laws after he definitely* had covid last month and coughed over some kids.

Today is too delicious for words.

Pray for Barrybedwetter, Nigel and Novax. 

*If he wants to play the Ozzy open