The Top 5
It can take years to bed in a great culture, which means the firms which have it don’t generally appear overnight. The triumvirate of firms in the top spot – Burges Salmon, Osborne Clarke, and Travers Smith – have placed around the top of the culture rankings for years. 

"Everyone is genuinely nice, which is good because I'd settle for false niceness," said a trainee at Burges Salmon (88%). Voted as the RollOnFriday Best Law Firm to Work At 2022, staff praised the firm for "maintaining a positive and inclusive atmosphere". 

"So this is where all the normal lawyers have been hiding?" said a senior lawyer. "The culture is surely as good as it gets working for a major law firm. Friendly, welcoming and concerned about making sure everyone that works there is happy and actually gets to enjoy life." 

Another senior lawyer said the firm provided financial and psychological support when two members of their immediate family "developed chronic health problems". Which "in turn, allowed me to support the firm during the hardest times, but also to remain motivated to work." 

Osborne Clarke (88%) shared the first spot. "Whilst we don't seem to have a motto or mantra, 'non mentula sim' would seem apt (let me not be a prick)," said a senior lawyer. 

Another Osborne Clarke lawyer said they had worked at two other London firms, with a "partnership of psychopaths who didn't care about their staff, their fellow partners, or indeed anything other than brown-nosing their clients and filling their boots." In contrast, partners at Osborne Clarke worked "in collaboration with each other and their staff, in a way that works for everyone. It's so f*cking lovely I sometimes can't believe how lucky I am." Another lawyer agreed: "Partners treat everyone like people, not interchangeable tools of which there are plenty more to be found if this one breaks."

"It’s very focussed on wellbeing and mental health," said an OC lawyer. "Longevity in the firm is promoted and you feel looked after in that respect. Burn-out doesn’t really occur."

Also in the top spot was Travers Smith (88%). A lawyer said the during the pandemic, the firm "tried hard to maintain its culture" while staff worked from home and "senior management put in a huge effort to look out for its people". He added that the firm "does genuinely care about the wellbeing of its lawyers over profit and that is to be commended."   

"There is a huge focus in being a good person," said another lawyer. "I can call anyone in the firm and I’ll know they’ll do there best to help me."

"The culture is why I wouldn't work at another firm in the city," summarised another lawyer.  

Mills & Reeve (87%) came fourth, and was praised for being "full of nice people."

"Generally, dickheads don't prosper," said a junior lawyer. "It's a very comforting feeling to never have to worry about our firm being implicated in the latest bullying/misconduct/mismanagement scandal on RoF's pages. I hope that isn't tempting fate."

"The firm is full of genuine people who care and are kind to each other," said a Business Services member of staff. "We're delighted for each other's achievements and support each other when the going is tough. I honestly feel like I have 1200 really good friends as well as colleagues!"    

"Every now and then the firm will make a random gesture of goodwill," said a lawyer, "such as sending sunflower seeds to everyone in the post or arranging an ice cream van in the carpark in the middle of summer."

Although not everyone was convinced. "The culture is a bit too happy clappy for me," said one Mills & Reeve lawyer, "but perhaps I am too much of a grumpy old man."     

In 5th spot was TLT (86%). "Breathe of fresh air compared to my last firm - sustainability, aggressive growth, ambition and diversity underpin TLT's culture," said one happy lawyer.

FOTY culture pic

Middling firms

In the middle of the pack, a common concern was the impact of Covid on the culture at firms.

"There has been a struggle to create a culture post-Covid," said a lawyer at Eversheds Sutherland (66%). "There has been a lack of budget for any staff social events. In stark contrast to other firms’ offerings the canteen is stacked with foods which is much lower quality, but costs the same as Pret".

"We've lost a large number of seniors, rethinking their life choices due to Covid, who actually did all the pastoral/team building work. No one wants to go for drinks/dinner/cake with a stale old partner who can only talk shop," said a lawyer at Clifford Chance (66%). Another CC lawyer said "it used to be quite a social environment, but ever since all those Covid-measures, social live has died out and a new breed of 'unsocialised' junior associates has yet to learn what culture could look like."    

At Freshfields (63%), dialling down social events wasn't just due to Covid, according to some staff. One said: "Unsurprisingly given some of the events that Freshfields has been involved in/linked to, the drinking/party culture has changed a lot over the last 10/15 years".

A non-progressive or stale partnership affected the culture at a number of firms. "Boomer partners dictate culture. Very disappointing." said a lawyer at DLA Piper (63%). "A large proportion of the partner group have a real Hotel California vibe. They’ve all checked out, but they just can’t leave." said a lawyer at Womble Bond Dickinson (61%). " No ability to sell; no ability to share; all about self interest - just get as many points as they can, do as little as they can, then retire late as they can. So yesterday."

At the other end of the generational divide, other firms were criticised for "jumping on every woke bandwagon possible". A lawyer at Kennedys (66%) said the firm was "on the verge of buying into cancel culture". While another Kennedys lawyer said the firm's "viewpoint is very north London, Guardian reading, Twitter minority".

A traditional culture at elite firms was highlighted by some staff. "The stereotype is relatively fair," said a lawyer at Slaughter and May (54%), "words like academic, hierarchical, perfectionist, dignified etc. all spring to mind. Some people will hate that, other people love it." A Business Services employee at the firm said that while their team was lovely, "I do my best to avoid anyone who actually practices law."

Other firms were lambasted for only paying lip service to wellbeing schemes. "I would like more focus on culture beyond words and client focused initiatives," said a lawyer at Simmons & Simmons (69%). "The firm likes to paint itself as being flexible and putting mental health first - but that is just a facade especially in transactional departments. I would like to see much greater support for working parents and support for people’s mental health."

An increasing pressure to bill more was a common gripe by staff who felt the culture of their firm was changing for the worse.

"The old Shearman culture is very much on its way out, and a new culture based on sky-high salaries and an expectation of total 24/7 dedication to work is coming in," said a trainee at Shearman & Sterling (76%). "Most people are fairly nice irrespective of this, but there are non-negligible numbers of angry, stressed-out people constantly teetering on the verge of a meltdown."

"The Americans have taken over and are killing NRF one cheesy slogan at a time," said a trainee at Norton Rose Fulbright (52%) "A focus on billable performance has taken over the firm."    

"The beating heart has gone from the business," said a senior lawyer at DWF (61%), "it is all about making money now."

"The firm is having an identity crisis.  It still likes to think that it is your best mate (and wants you to think that too) but acts like your worst enemy," said a lawyer at Charles Russell Speechlys (56%). "We are still on 'friendly firm' salaries, but are expected to work like we're employed by a much bigger dog. Hilariously, the firm has signed up to the 'Mindful Business Charter'...but if a client says jump we must ask ""how high?"

A non-collaborative approach was to blame for an erosion of culture at other firms. "Each team is more of a fort than a silo," said a Business Services member of staff at BLM (51%). "Inside your own fort, things can be nice and friendly, but only if you're local. Trying to get another team to do something can be like screaming into the void - unless you have a friend on the inside of that fort."

Bottom firms 

Plexus came 58th with a score of 49%, described by one member of staff as "a draconian work house...with the occasional doughnut."     

"It’s a weird place, partners come and go faster than Taylor Swift’s boyfriends," said one senior lawyer. 

"The Manchester office is probably the worst place to be in," said another lawyer. "Ruled by a few Chorlton types who profess to be liberal leaning  fair minded and tolerant but are in fact the complete opposite.  They would stab you in the back or the front for a decent paying RTA case." 

Slater & Gordon (47%) placed 59th. "The culture is basically f*cked," said a senior lawyer.  "You cant imagine how bad morale is. The ROF articles don't even scratch surface," said a Business Services member of staff.

"They started this ‘connected working’ culture & for a while everyone bought into it," said a partner. "It’s now obvious to everyone that being cash strapped means that they use it as an excuse to close offices."

Watson Farley & Williams (41%) came 60th. "There is no culture here," said a senior lawyer. "That would imply the partners had character."

"Horrible. Only alphas or people not willing to rock the boat will do well here," said a lawyer. "Bad behaviour is brushed under the carpet...a very sexist place to work. Emotions are frowned upon unless it’s an angry male partner swearing down the corridor." 

At the bottom was Knights (31%). "I'm not sure there is a culture really - lots of legacy firms bolted together," said one lawyer. 

"What’s the point paying a fortune to buy firms when all the good people walk out pretty much day one?" said another lawyer. "Seems like a poor return."

A Business Services member of staff questioned how "under-the-radar, en-masse redundancies of long-serving, loyal support staff (usually just as Knights has made yet another regional acquisition) really fits in with a 'friendly, down-to-earth business' and 'a culture of respect, collaboration, positivity and transparency' (as boasted on the website)."

Tip Off ROF


ex OC associate 10 March 22 22:37

“Burn-out doesn’t really occur” at OC

hah! say that to the banking and corporate facing teams who routinely work 75+ hour weeks in London! I left to join a Silver Circle firm and work fewer hours for more money now.

also an attrition rate of 50% of NQ qualifying in summer 2019 within 18 months - that does not speak to a good culture

Mark Lloyd 10 March 22 22:57

HFW hovering around the bottom again. Not surprising. Dysfunctional culture due to a lack of leadership. 

Anonymous 11 March 22 03:22

Freeths sadly doesn’t feature in the results, which is a shame after these stories:



Perhaps everyone who thinks this type of behaviour is unusual left long ago?

31% - 10% lower than the next worst calamitous culture! 11 March 22 07:14

31% is abysmal but explains why there are so many people from Knights who are on the market or who have already moved.  When interviewed, they all tell the same grim stories of out of control egos, greed and a David Brent style of management.  A classic case of why law firms should never list.  It rips the guts out of the culture and demoralises those at the coal face.  

Excalibur 11 March 22 07:34

Knights. The firm that claims to have such a great culture. Well, it seems the people have spoken. Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear!!

Revelations 11 March 22 07:50

Just had a scoot around Knights website and found these gems on the CEO’s page;

  • Professional: nurturing the team is a passion of David's and encompasses the recruitment of professionals who are a good fit for the Knights plc culture, coaching and mentoring them in client engagement and business skills;
  • Growth: if you are disillusioned with your current firm and have ambitions to work in a forward-thinking business where you can excel, then do get in touch.  David is interested to hear from teams and individuals who would like to explore joining Knights plc.

Winning the Golden Turd and coming bottom on culture suggests that something is going wrong with the nurturing.  Growth might also be a bit of an issue.  

Not about the dividend Brent 11 March 22 07:53

It’s been said before on here. Knights is a two tier firm - top 50 laterals with fourth tier regionals isn’t a good mix. 

Despite there being no targets, we’ve recently engaged in time shaming. Aka sending everyone’s chargeable time to everyone else at the end of the day. Not sure scores will pick up 

ShootyOriginal 11 March 22 08:00

Swifty 10 March 22 22:35

No need to bring Taylor into this


Damn right.

Time shaming lol 11 March 22 08:13

Time shaming is a sure fire culture winner.  This is what happens when a bully is allowed to run unchecked.  Get ready for the new wave of CVs.  

Anonymous 11 March 22 10:08

Sorry but I really don't understand the Travers Smith rating. The culture in my experience is quite cliquey and focused on saying how wonderful everything is, even when it isn't. 

I hate the office. I hate WFH. I hate everything. 11 March 22 10:28

I have to admit, I recently did feel a pang of regret for leaving law in 2019 (before salaries exploded, sigh), but this article reminds me of the sheer horror of these places

My strong advice to any trainees/juniors reading this is to either:

1. Run as far away from corporate law as you can - do that MBA, consulting, IBD or something different. Easier to make the remove at 28-31 than 36-39. 

2. Run to a US firm paying big wedge and don't get sucked in to the spaffing money on hookers/coke/business class flights/Jimmy Choo shoes.  Save, save, save and build a war chest. It will give you options down the line.

I hate the office. I hate WFH. I hate everything. 11 March 22 10:29

@Anonymous 10 March 22 23:28

Restructuring summer party held on Jeffrey Epstein's island

Anonymous 11 March 22 10:32

"There is a huge focus in being a good person," said another lawyer. "I can call anyone in the firm and I’ll know they’ll do there best to help me."

A lawyer wrote that?

Anonymous 11 March 22 10:35

Can anyone on the litigation teams at the top 10 firms comment on whether the culture is actually good? 

Bolton Monkey 11 March 22 10:36

I said it before. I will say it again. Where are Keoghs RoF? Will there be a category for those below the bottom scrapers? 

DwooFer 11 March 22 10:42

Spot on. Bean counters reign supreme at DWF. During the big Andy L days, though it was a mish mash of firms and cultures, he did try much harder to embed one culture across the board. Now, it's about keeping shareholders happy, whilst trying to embed DLA hours without the DLA pay.

Anonymous 11 March 22 10:54

"Anyone else noticed Knights haven’t made any form of noise about Russia?"

Or Palestine for that matter.


But good luck getting any corporates to speak up about that international conflict.


The Dark Knight 11 March 22 11:09

@ Bolton Monkey - maybe they’re trying to keep off the radar in case of ‘incidents’ concerning the bins

Pay cuts 11 March 22 11:33

Did the Knights guys ever get their 10% back?  I recall RoF reporting that in about week 2 of the pandemic.  

Really? 11 March 22 11:40


you had 1000s of submissions filled with comments which you could have published - and yet, you decided to choose one which is clearly slut-shaming Taylor Swift.  This wasn’t even funny in 2010.

Poor form - surely there are enough wanky Latin phrases you could have selected from? 

Anonymous 11 March 22 11:50

It’s not slut shaming swift. It’s saying this other thing is like swift who has lots of boyfs. You’re clearly not a swifty - if you were you’d know she sings a lot about having lots of boys, and how it’s interpreted etc. 

Anonymous 11 March 22 11:51

""Anyone else noticed Knights haven’t made any form of noise about Russia?"

Or Palestine for that matter.


But good luck getting any corporates to speak up about that international conflict.




Why the focus on that one conflict? What about Syria, China (Uighurs), Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Ethiopia, the list goes on and on. 

Has your focus got anything to do with Israel being a Jewish state? Hmm.......

Anonymous 11 March 22 12:11

"Why the focus on that one conflict? What about Syria, China (Uighurs), Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Ethiopia, the list goes on and on. 

Has your focus got anything to do with Israel being a Jewish state? Hmm......."

See... they literally will not let you talk about it.

Point out the suffering of the Palestinian people, which is objectively worse than the suffering of the people of Ukraine, and they immediately try to shut you down by insinuating that you are an anti-Semite.

So don't ask why I'm talking about it - ask yourself what it is about these particular victims that makes you so desperate to look the other way.

Anonymous 11 March 22 12:16

Taylor Swift isn't hot.

Controversial opinion.

She is not hot in the same way Emma Watson is not hot.

Anonymous 11 March 22 12:30

"See... they literally will not let you talk about it.

Point out the suffering of the Palestinian people, which is objectively worse than the suffering of the people of Ukraine, and they immediately try to shut you down by insinuating that you are an anti-Semite.

So don't ask why I'm talking about it - ask yourself what it is about these particular victims that makes you so desperate to look the other way."


Who is "they"? Let me guess, you're going to say "Zionists" good cop out mate.


Feel free to say anything about the state of Israel or the conflict, no one is saying you can't, but the direct focus on that conflict and none other speaks absolute volumes.

Clarke 11 March 22 12:32

Slater and Gordon is a shambles ! Just heard of numerous departments shut down today! Zero communication from management again…

Anonymous 11 March 22 12:39

"See... they literally will not let you talk about it.

point out the suffering of the Palestinian people, which is objectively worse than the suffering of the people of Ukraine, and they immediately try to shut you down by insinuating that you are an anti-Semite.

So don't ask why I'm talking about it - ask yourself what it is about these particular victims that makes you so desperate to look the other way."


Ok but then why "objectively" have you focussed on that one conflict and none of the others. It is, objectively, nowhere near as bad as many of the other conflicts in terms of death and oppression. You absolutely are allowed to talk about it, and no one is suggesting anyone turns a blind eye to Israel/Palestine, but your total focus on one issue is rather interesting/suspicious.

Also, didnt you write '#islamaphobia' - haven't you just contradicted yourself? It's islamaphobic to not write about Israel, but not antisemitic to focus on that issue alone? Hmm.

Anonymous 11 March 22 13:37

“…partners come and go faster than Taylor Swift’s boyfriends”.  

This is slut-shaming - it is suggesting that there’s a revolving door of men in her life.  These comments are never made about the 1000s of mens in the entertainment industry doing the exact same thing.  

Some shitty Netflix show made the same joke about her last year - and she publicly denounced them for it.  Yeah, sure - she sings about her experiences but I doubt she would be like “XYZ come and go faster than my boyfriends”. 

OC lifer 11 March 22 13:54

"Whilst we don't seem to have a motto or mantra, 'non mentula sim' would seem apt (let me not be a prick)," said a senior lawyer. 

they used this quote to demonstrate that people aren't pricks?  fortunately you don't hear too much latin being spouted around the place.

Anonymous 11 March 22 14:18

Swift literally sang:

So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over, mmh
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game

If she sings about churning through guys (which I think is a good thing to do, btw, to ensure you don’t settle), it’s fair for people to refer to her churning through guys.
Also, in the comment used, no judgment attaches to the fact that she has gone through boyfriends. Only the objector has decided that is a bad thing, which says more about their view than the commenter. 

Anonymous 11 March 22 14:29

Notable that Taylor Swift has found a lot of time to talk about her ex boyfriends but NONE to talk about the suffering of the people of Palestine.

And yet, despite actively collaborating in their oppression via her silence, nobody is shaming her for THAT, are they?

anon 11 March 22 14:36

slut shaming to refer to a high turnover of lovers or slut shaming to imply that having a high turnover of lovers is slutty?

have we moved on enough from 2 to conclude that 1 is not slut shaming.

Knight Rider 11 March 22 14:51

The pay cut of 10% was never reimbursed. I heard they let people go who didn’t agree to the deduction

BLM the craphole 11 March 22 16:00

 BLM number 55th on the list - not surprised - run by a bunch of morons in the senior leadership team! 

Anon 11 March 22 16:25

Watson Farley hired a new HR team and have a director of culture (whatever that means?) and still finish in the relegation zone.  Well done.

Knight Rider 11 March 22 16:42

The 10% pay deduction was taken without consultation and alas never reimbursed. Those who challenged it were “let go”

Anonymous 11 March 22 16:55

"BLM number 55th on the list"

Low morale was always going to be a risk for them this year though. It's not as cool as it used to be, everyone wants to argue about trans stuff nowadays so all the race stuff feels a bit old-hat. 

OC anon 11 March 22 17:16

@Ex OC lawyer What is your experience out of interest? Does your 75+ hours include total time or billables? 

Anonymous 11 March 22 17:57

"These comments are never made about the 1000s of mens in the entertainment industry doing the exact same thing."

Except when they are.

Another ex-OC lawyer 11 March 22 18:15

The culture at OC is generally great and it deserves its high ranking, but there is a non-negligible number of partners who will take advantage of associates and load them up with work without adequate support whilst they clock off at 5pm - leading to burnout and disaffection.  And outside that the transaction teams can often clock up horrendous hours - understaffing in those teams is a perennial problem.

The reality is OC isn’t a law firm nirvana for all - the difference from other firms is that management definitely does have its staff’s best interests at heart, and it’s not all about the bottom line.

Let it go 11 March 22 19:11

Ha ha, they were not “let go” they walked out in disgust and then sued for their money.

And got it. 

Respect yourselves.  

Burnt out lawyer 12 March 22 01:35

The culture at Kennedys is horrendous. I really can’t work out how it’s not the Golden Turd. 

Confused about Plexus 12 March 22 05:15

I cannot understand why Plexus has such a low score. It doesn't make sense. The CEO commissioned a private entity to conduct a study into the culture just a few months ago. Several Partners were hand picked to be interviewed. The result was that the culture was amazing. I just can't work out why this is not reflected here. So confused. 

To Confused about Plexus 12 March 22 07:56

You’re like Russia: misinformation for your own gains. 

I hope you find happiness elsewhere. We’re clearly not for you. 

Moscow next stop?

Propaganda Panda 12 March 22 09:17

Looks like the Plexus senior management are out in force rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  If there was a competition based on which law firm has the most staff with CVs out in the market Plexus would be winning the gold medal.  

Whose culture is it anyway? 12 March 22 09:29

If you spend your time buying up other law firms, you cannot possibly control the culture.  People have bought into an entirely different culture and trying to impose yours on them is not going to be well received.  If you look at it that way, the results of this survey are not at all surprising.  

Anon 12 March 22 12:14

Associates are fleeing NRF but the partners are completely tone deaf and have no concept that if they treated us better, we might want to stay. I have been at the firm for many years but now sadly accept that the culture of my team is toxic and it’s time to move on.

Haters-ville 13 March 22 00:35

The thing about Plexus is that the few people who hate the firm really hate us, but the other 974 current employees are working hard alongside our new CEO and senior team to make the working lives and prospects of our team that little bit better. 

Unlike the previous regime and the gang of ( ) who were in it for themselves. Greed is a short term game. Mike drop. 

Anon 13 March 22 08:49

BLM has a culture?

Does it matter. They are about to be snuffed out.

Hasn’t the Harrington/ Williams duo done well. 

Keoghs’ special K 13 March 22 13:09

Hope we get into this next year and win. Would be deserved for our special team. 

Armando 13 March 22 16:13

I used to be an SA in one of the forms in the bottom 5 and my experience of the culture (sic) at that shop was that management and some partners were sociopaths with the result that the culture was in the toilet. It was so bad I quit law and as a cathartic cleansing of my time at the firmI wrote about my experiences. That morphed into a screenplay that’s under negotiation to be commissioned. I haven’t changed the names that much so that the guilty will recognise themselves if they watch it. 

Anon 13 March 22 22:52

Travers Smith, putting the cult in culture. Absolutely agree with the poster above, you either go along with claiming everything about it is the best place ever, or you are done for and will be driven out.

One warrior 14 March 22 08:47

The reality is, many top-tier law firms do not have nice culture compared to major corporates and financial institutions. Lawyers are competitive and need to care for their own interests in order to be successful - the very reason nice culture is virtually impossible to achieve.

Well, when you’re in the industry making much more than an average employee, some downsides should be expected.  

Anonymous 14 March 22 14:39

Lol well I’m glad Plexus actually know how many current employees they have, going on they couldn’t even state it correctly in their last company accounts!! 

Anonymous 14 March 22 14:40

"That morphed into a screenplay that’s under negotiation to be commissioned. I haven’t changed the names that much so that the guilty will recognise themselves if they watch it."

Yes, that's probably a very material risk...






... that nobody actually watches it, that is.

Anonymous 14 March 22 14:46

"Associates are fleeing NRF but the partners are completely tone deaf and have no concept that if they treated us better, we might want to stay."

So far as I can tell their strategy is to ameliorate those losses by instructing seemingly every single recruiter in the City to camp out in my inbox offering ever increasing sums of cash to move.

Assuming that it's not just me on the receiving end of that kind of spamming, they're probably managing to cut the productivity of all of NRF's competitors by roughly 5% by burying them under so many distracting emails each day.

Like a sort of proxy DDOS attack using recruiters as a meat-based botnet.

Busty observer 15 March 22 06:51

It’s intriguing that a handful of elite US and third rate mid-Atlantic US aren’t even mentioned in the ranking. The culture is probably too appalling to be included - or the associates are too knackered to participate in the surveys.

Abattoir 15 March 22 14:51

My fellow peers - if you’re being annihilated in the “abattoir” you should be looking to switch firm. Things are much greener elsewhere, seriously. No more blue blooded, hierarchical partners. Even if you’re being abused at least you get paid proper money, instead of being paid wages akin to a bloody butcher. 

Titanic 16 March 22 14:05

"So far as I can tell their strategy is to ameliorate those losses by instructing seemingly every single recruiter in the City to camp out in my inbox offering ever increasing sums of cash to move.

Assuming that it's not just me on the receiving end of that kind of spamming, they're probably managing to cut the productivity of all of NRF's competitors by roughly 5% by burying them under so many distracting emails each day.

Like a sort of proxy DDOS attack using recruiters as a meat-based botnet."


Agreed - NRF is a sinking ship. 

Alphabet hoops 16 March 22 19:10

Why is everybody on Knights website placed in alphabetical order except David Beech?  He heads the B’s but surely Bamford comes before Beech?

Very odd and perhaps reveals much about Knights ranking.  

Anonymous 16 March 22 19:57

From the Knights website:

Knights’ culture is a source of immense pride and the Group firmly believes that it’s a key differentiator for clients and colleagues alike in a crowded market.


Anonymous 16 March 22 20:00

Joining Eversheds is Russian roulette. You either end up with a great supervisor, or spawn of the devil.

Dead good here, honest 17 March 22 17:03

Don’t you just love it when a firm’s marketing blurb is exposed?  RoF we salute you.  

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