Once again some poor soul has waded through 50 law firm websites just to come to the conclusion that Finers Stephens Innocent has the worst.

The Intendance Fast Fifty features the great and good of legal websites and this year Finers Stephens Innocent's offering came in for the most criticism. Whilst surely scoring points for being in such a pleasing shade of orange, the overly poppy icons and bubbles of PR blurb everywhere does tend to lend it a certain local-council feel. Other low scorers included Beachcroft, DMH Stallard and Hill Dickinson: whose staff will presumably be able to cobble together a better effort after taking inspiration from their greeting card design classes.

Susan Boyle, singing

Mark Stephens, Finers Stephens

Last year's winner, A&O, scored well (see it in all its beauty here), but not well enough to avoid being trumped by Clyde & Co. Be awed by the scenes of calming waters and, errr, apples.

Clydes was praised for a website that was "well ordered and harmonious" and featuring "supportive imagery". Although it's not entirely clear what's supportive about two men holding hands while another is left entirely on his own at the side of the screen...

A spokeswoman for Intendance told RollOnFriday that they had only reviewed the best 50 websites, so Finers Stephens Innocent's offering was actually "the worst of the best". There's an accolade...


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