Mayer Brown has won the least coveted prize in law, The Golden Turd, after taking one hell of a kicking from its own lawyers in the  RollOnFriday Firm of the Year 2011 survey.

Whilst Firm of the Year Latham & Watkins is cracking into celebratory champagne, Mayer Brown will be weeping into its Lambrini after pretty catastrophic performance across the board.  A lack of openness and development were key in securing the firm's bottom place. Staff at all levels complained of lacklustre leadership, a loss of good staff and poor career prospects.

A dismal 34% satisfaction score for openness (last place overall) did Mayer Brown no favours at all, with respondents criticising the firm's lack of communication and "weak leadership".

Nor did 43% score for work/life balance (last again). Although as one lawyer cited the "weekend and Bank Holidays" as the best thing about the firm, at least staff do get some time off.

Mayer Brown fared poorly too when it came to development, scoring a meagre 43% (yup, last again). Grumbles included "little scope of promotions" and "weak leadership".

The firm was picked out regularly by its staff for poor prospects. Grumbles included "little scope of promotions" and "weak leadership".  One lawyer complained of "work shy and uninspiring partners", whilst another claimed that "all the good NQs went elsewhere on qualification".

And unusually for a US firm, even the pay seems to be in the doldrums with staff awarding Mayer Brown just 45% (placing it sixth from bottom overall). One staff member complained that "The firm struggles to keep pace with changing market conditions" and respondents bemoaned the lack of pay rises.

When asked for good things at Mayer Brown, responses varied from "there are no good things" to "it is doing so badly... that we get to leave early". One wag added "Mayer Brown is like syphilis. Getting it was fun, but it turns out to be bad in the long run."

But the comments weren't universally terrible - support services came in for high praise, especially the "awesome" library staff and the "great" catering team. And another added "the culture is really open and friendly with no hierarchy".

Mayer Brown was by no means the only firm to face a slamming from its staff. Field Fisher Waterhouse came second from bottom, apparently on the grounds that the firm "excels at bullying" and that its pay is simply "not up to scratch". Partners at the firm came in for some flak. According to one respondent "partners cannot be trusted" and are happy "back stabbing an associate, another partner or a secretary" to protect their own skin.

But the big surprise was Slaughter and May, which came in third from last despite coming top of the Magic Circle last year. The firm got a pasting for a lack of openness and poor work/life balance - presumably staff haven't particularly enjoyed being worked to the bone whilst being reassured that times are still terribly tough. According to respondents, there are "no prospects of promotion", and "it's like working on the Death Star". No wonder one lawyer could only mumble: "I hate my life". Still, on the bright side another added that the firm is "not UTTERLY evil". And the toilets are quite nice, too.

  Lawyers on their way to work at Slaughter and May yesterday 

What of last year's Golden Turd winners, Eversheds and Shoosmiths? Both firms will no doubt be delighted to see that they've moved from the bottom rung (well, up one place for Shoosmiths). Eversheds in particular has had a solid year, racing from rock bottom to mid-table respectability (even though one disgruntled associate was keen to refer to his own firm as "Evilshits").

Here's that Golden Turd breakdown of the lowest-ranking firms:
Mayer Brown
 45%  43% 43% 34% 55% 68% 55% 46%
FFW  40%  48% 60% 50% 43% 50% 48% 49%
Slaughter and May
 60%  54% 49% 38% 72% 78% 44% 53%
 40%  56% 60 % 60% 46% 57% 50% 53%

The full results can be read here. More details - including the breakdown of snacks, sanitary arrangements and social life  - will be revealed next week. Thanks to all of you who answered the survey.
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