Work wellness programmes

We are now being offered:

an award-winning organisation offering tailored, expert-led resources designed to support, inform and inspire professionals in their family life, work life and wellbeing

I have deleted the e-mail to sign up for an account and declined the invitation to the sales presentation.

Yeah we have this shit. They can then pretend they’re doing something about stress without actually doing anything. Same as “resilience”. Blame the employee for being “weak” when actually it’s the work that’s too much. 

What Crypto said.

Do a course where the answer isn't "hire more people to do the work".  Total khvnts.

We had a "leaders as coaches" course.  I asked the woman running it whether she knew anything about our organisation because the way she described what should be happening was the opposite of how we were managed.  Pure gaslighting.

I have seen both.

I worked for a large shipbuilder for a while who had a 'health and wellbeing' thing that was brilliant. Free yoga on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and HIT or weights or whatever on other days. Also encouraged to do sports with other departments etc.

People were also able to take extended periods off during slow times if they geared up when busy.

Alternatively I've seen 'wellness' things (FTSE100) that were so completely performative it was nonsense. Hybrid working just meant 'work all the time including from home to impossible deadlines set by gurning idiots with MBAs'. 'Volunteering days' (we never actually do that).


'in theory they exist but I have never heard of anyone who successfully applied for one'

I just don't want work's help to inspire my family life.

I'm planning a nice sabbatical for next year as we now have this as a policy and I think I'll be the first to use it.

I'd kill for a sabbatical but the reality is if they worked out stuff went absolutely fine without me for 3 months they'd replace me with the much cheaper stand-in.

Employers used to pay you to do work.  Nowadays, they appear to have ancillary roles as chaperones, fitness trainers, match-makers, shrinks etc.  What is wrong with people?  

law firms always address symptoms not causes

Here are ways to manage your stress vs Let's not cause stress - the former always wins

If you have to offer this, its because you are failing in your delivery of a work life balance. 

Anything to do with HR/ D&I/ Wellness/ responsible business etc - excluding old school pro bono and charitable activities — are there to screw you over. They are not your friend 

an award-winning organisation offering tailored, expert-led resources designed to support, inform and inspire professionals in their family life, work life and wellbeing

it doesn't mean anything. My eyes glaze over

papercuts because the world of work seems to have become more demanding. People are more stressed at work than they were in the 80s. TBH even then employers (or at least big ones) did have ancillary things like social clubs, sports teams, etc. 

Time was when work was far more social, and people were allowed to be sociable. These days if rof is to be believed millennials prefer to work at home and limit their professional interactions to zoomteams. Are they also germophobes?