An even more odious site than the lawyer-bashing solicitorsfromhell is targetting a barrister.

Cowboysolicitors bills itself as "your #1 name and shame site" where members can "manage all grievance [sic] from your personalised dashboard". The site only has entries dating back to September but, if it continues with the solicitorsfromhell business model, it seems destined to go the same way as its predecessor, which was forced to shut down after being sued for defamation and drowned in injunctions.

Unlike solicitorsfromhell, which featured complaints about dozens of firms, cowboysolicitors consists mainly of spittle-flecked rants about the same barrister. The source of the author's fury appears to be a conviction that the QC in question helped someone win an Asian Lawyer Award who didn't deserve it. Readers are advised to don their tinfoil hats now:

  Strange how the regulator overlooked this one

The poster, who does not give his or her name, links to a sister website which is also dedicated to attacking the barrister's integrity. It mainly does so with a photo of him which morphs into Jimmy Savile's face.

The creator of cowboysolicitors shielding himself from lizard people, yesterday

Despite resembling the web equivalent of a man in soiled underpants bellowing at traffic, cowboysolicitors features prominent adverts for Virgin Mobile, British Airways and, rather surprisingly, a law firm. However when RollOnFriday contacted Tuckers Solicitors and asked why it was paying to appear alongside articles such as "It's All Over You Bent Bastard", practice director Adam Makepeace said he had never heard of the site and that it must have been using the firm's logo "without our permission".

A spokesman for the barrister's solicitors, Neumans LLP, told RollOnFriday, "Our client is currently taking legal advice on obtaining an injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 to remove the website".
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Anonymous 03 October 14 10:29

I'm not an internet expert, but I think the ads appear based on the user's own web history. So someone at ROF has been looking up Virgin, BA and Tuckers.