A future White & Case trainee is such a huge fan of Donald Trump that she flew from London to Washington DC to watch him win, and has appeared on Scottish TV to sing his praises.

Before jetting to the States Mhairi Fraser, who in 2015 boldly attempted to become a Conservative MP in Scotland, said that she had "never been as excited" about a politician. Speaking to Scotland's STV news, she said "I just find him incredibly refreshing and I think he genuinely loves America". In particular, Trump recognised that "his country is sleep-walking into a politically correct-driven decline that it won't be able to get itself out of".

Outspoken Edinburgh University graduate Fraser, who is set to join White & Case as a trainee in 2017, said, "More than anything though, and being British, I am hugely concerned about the existential threat to the West posed by fundamentalist Islamic terrorism". And she thinks Trump, who claims that he "knows more about ISIS than the Generals do, believe me" can sort it out.

Fittingly, Fraser celebrated the volatile misogynist's victory in his own home, joining an election party in the Washington DC Trump International Hotel.

  White person & Case of champagne 

Fraser has also blasted "modern feminists" who boycotted Melania Trump's clothing range as "hypocrites", and said that while Trump's "recorded 'pussygate' comments were very unsavoury, sure, I certainly don't think they amounted to an admission of sexual assault". Instead, "I prefer to look at what he's actually done - the way he has promoted women at his company and how highly they think of him".  

RollOnFriday asked White & Case whether Fraser's colleagues have given her any grief for her affection for the anti-elitist billionaire, but it declined to comment.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 11 November 16 00:33

I am a big Trump fan too. There are lots of us out there, enough to win an election. Good on you Mhairi!

Anonymous 11 November 16 06:35

What the hell is this? So she's a Trump supporter - big deal. Is RolllonFriday singling people out because of their political views, now?

Anonymous 11 November 16 07:31

Yeah honestly not sure that now is the time for us to be tearing in to people for their honestly held political beliefs just because they differ from ours.

Anonymous 11 November 16 07:45

Yeah, it's a really great judgment call for a future lawyer to fly to the States to support a racist, sexist, groping thug. Good call.

Anonymous 11 November 16 09:46

so ROF is bullying someone for their political beliefs and calling their future employer about it?

Anonymous 11 November 16 10:38

Support for Trump is support for some unsavory views (including racism, war crimes, homophobia and misogyny). I think it is entirely appropriate to call people out with far right views.

Anonymous 11 November 16 11:47

All rof's done is repeat what she said to the press and what she's written on Twitter. Why is it unfair to repeat it?

Anonymous 11 November 16 12:47

I think 'calling out' people like this is massively unhelpful because it allows them to portray themselves as victims and freedom fighters. Her political views might be distasteful to you but she's got a right to hold them.

Anonymous 11 November 16 13:10

Her views and Mr Trump are distasteful, but ROF publically calling them out is also distasteful. She is entitled to an opinion and she's entitled to express it. Shaming people to hide their views because their "judgement" and chosen careers could be called into question is low and debases democracy.

Anonymous 11 November 16 13:45

Nonny 13:10: True, but it goes further: it makes them not reveal what they think. I say "Them". I mean "Us". Make it so that someone cannot speak their views without vilification, and the chance for debate and discourse vanishes. That is what we have seen. So people bury their view, and let it out when they vote.

Anonymous 11 November 16 14:00

Yes it's much better when they reveal what they think https://twitter.com/michaelluo/status/796908568574382080/photo/1

Anonymous 11 November 16 14:14

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But this muppet isn't expressing a preference for artisanal hot chocolate over green tea, she purposefully travelled across a massive ocean to support someone who is basically the end of the World in an orange suit. Fair play ROF.

Anonymous 11 November 16 15:16

This is absolutely despicable attempting to bully someone for their political views (and that is clearly the intention of this piece).

Please remove it from your web site.

Anonymous 11 November 16 16:14

How is this considered bullying/calling/singling her out when she's already gone to the Scottish press to talk about this topic?

Anonymous 11 November 16 16:22

She has courted publicity wherever she could. She has stood as a Tory MP and she is strident to the point of offensiveness in her very public opinions. She will welcome this publicity.

Anonymous 11 November 16 16:47

@14:14: Hear hear. If she likes to publicly support the orange-faced baboon, she deserves the attention.

Anonymous 12 November 16 15:07

Stupid articles like this, designed to shame people for having the "wrong" political opinion, is exactly why we have Trump and Brexit. Keep it up you liberal morons. Maybe Trump can expand his Senate majority at the mid terms to starve off filibusters as well.

Anonymous 14 November 16 10:13

Wouldn't have been written if it was a man? What on earth makes you say that?

If a lawyer had expressed this level of enthusiasm to the press about some other tinpot madman, Mugabe perhaps, and flown over to cheer his election, I reckon you probably wouldn't complain about the story.

Well Trump is barmier than all of them and much more dangerous. He is a self-confessed perpetrator of sexual assault who has proposed banning all Muslims from entering the States (and putting the rest on a register).

He couldn't be trusted with his Twitter account, which his campaign had to confiscate form him, but he is going to be trusted with the nuclear codes.

He has appointed a known anti-semite as his special advisor and chief strategist.

All of which makes it entirely fair to rib those who endorse him as vociferously as this wannabe Katie Hopkins.

Anonymous 14 November 16 10:49

No, its not sexist at all - future trainees like her deserve to be called out publicly as a "Blond (sic) airhead"! A bit weird however that mostly men support Trump, but we haven't seen any equivalent articles of ridicule...

Anonymous 16 November 16 14:36

@ anonymous 14/11/2016 10:49: it's not that weird - 52 per cent of white women in America voted Trump...

Anonymous 16 November 16 16:50

A majority of women backed Clinton over Donald Trump, 54 percent to 42 percent. If only women voted in this election and no one else, Clinton would have won. But over on RoF, working women are being held responsible and publicly ridiculed over Hillary Clinton’s defeat. No, not sexist at all......

Anonymous 16 November 16 16:51

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Hillary would most likely disavow you as supporters if she read these comments.

Anonymous 17 November 16 01:17

I think everyone's missing the real story here... viz, someone being willing to admit to applying for a TC at W&C...