A partner at Osborne Clarke has found himself on the naughty step this week after posting this on LinkedIn:


It's clearly bantah rather than hooliganism, and worse vulgarities have been posted online in the name of football. But it's possibly not desperately clever for Lub to air such forthright views directly under the legend "Partner at Osborne Clarke".

Ray Berg, Osborne Clarke's Managing Partner, told RollOnFriday that "clearly, I am disappointed to see this comment. As a business, we encourage our people to connect, communicate and share information on social media. We provide colleagues with training on how to use the technologies and everyone is expected to be polite, professional and courteous. Jeroen would like to apologise for any offence caused, particularly to Spurs fans."
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Anonymous 25 November 16 08:56

People actually post stuff on LinkedIn? Interesting. I regard it more as a kind of boring version of Pokemon, where i see how many contacts I can capture.

Roll On Friday 26 November 16 07:53

Always best not even to tell clients how you vote or anything controversial because you can be sure you will annoy 50% of them.